At KFT, we take time to learn your business, your goals and customise a solution to suit you. Our advisors don’t work with a one-size-fits-all mentality; instead we focus on you, the customer, giving you up-to-date and accurate information where you need it most.
KFT was established in 2007 and quickly became a leading expert in outsourcing. With a team of 600 plus professionals and support staff, KFT can provide the best quality work in the areas of design, development and accounting.
At KFT, we take time to learn your business, your goals and customise a solution to suit you. Our advisors don’t work with a one-size-fits-all mentality; instead we focus on you, the customer, giving you up-to-date and accurate information where you need it most.
E-Leave - kft.co.in
compulsory fields. Employee's Email : * Complaint : *
responsibilities. For avoidance of doubt, the CSR Committee may adopt this Policy document mutatis mutandis, or with such modifications, alterations or revisions as it