Juche - Wikipedia
Juche incorporates the historical materialist ideas of Marxism–Leninism but also strongly emphasizes the individual, the nation state, and national sovereignty. Juche posits that a country will prosper once it has become self-reliant by achieving …
主体思想,亦称“金日成主义”(Kimilsungism),由 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 已故领袖 金日成 1955年首次提出,20世纪60年代下半期最终完成了其体系化工作。 之后主体思想入宪,该国执政党 朝鲜劳动党 也将其列入党章,是为朝鲜立国基础。 “主体思想”的工程师是朝鲜劳动党原中央书记 黄长烨 [8]。 其继任者 金正日 、 金正恩 严格执行并加以阐释,作为国家及人民的唯一的活动指导理论,赋予其至高无上的地位。 主体思想在朝鲜无处不在,1997年起,朝鲜弃用 公元纪 …
Juche | North Korea, Ideology, Kim Dynasty, & Facts | Britannica
Feb 28, 2025 · Juche, state ideology of North Korea and official ideology of the Workers Party of Korea. Typically translated as “self-reliance,” Juche was developed by the founder of the North Korean state and its “eternal president,” Kim Il-Sung, and expounded upon by his son Kim Jong Il.
Juche, the state ideology that makes North Koreans revere Kim
Jun 18, 2018 · Juche, which roughly translates as “self-reliance,” is an odd blend of several different ideas. It borrows much of its language from Marxism but also draws on Confucianism, 20th-century Japanese...
主体思想 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Feb 25, 2025 · 主体思想 (朝鲜语:주체사상/主體思想 Juche Sasang),又称 主体 (주체, 发音: [tɕutɕʰe] (ⓘ))、 金日成主义 (김일성주의/ 金日成主義 Gim Il-seong Juui),是 朝鲜劳动党 的 思想 体系和 理论 基础,由 金日成 创立,并由 黄长烨 加以体系化。 主体思想原本被视作 马克思列宁主义 的一种,但金日成之子 金正日 在1970年代宣布主体思想与马克思列宁主义明显不同,并在后来进一步发展了主体思想。 金正日对主体思想的发展使其在意识形态上与马克思 …
Juche: North Korea's Leading Political Philosophy - ThoughtCo
Feb 17, 2018 · Juche, or Korean socialism, is a political ideology first formulated by Kim Il-sung (1912–1994), the founder of modern North Korea. The word Juche is a combination of two Chinese characters, Ju and Che, Ju meaning master, subject, and the self as actor; Che meaning object, thing, material.
What Is The Juche Ideology Of North Korea? - WorldAtlas
Jul 9, 2018 · The Juche ideology emphasizes North Korea's political, economic, and military self-reliance. It became the state ideology and sole guiding principle of the government following the rise of a one-party communist state in the country following World War II.
The political philosophy known as juche became the official autarkic state ideology of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1972.1 Although foreign scholars often describe juche...
'Juche(Self-Reliance)' Ideology ㅣ Korean Peninsula A to Z ㅣ
‘Juche’ is North Korea regime’s official ideology. Because it theoretically justifies the one-man rule under Kim Il-sung, ‘Juche’ can be thought of as an institutionalized version of the cult of personality.
juche - 百度百科
juche,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“自主”。 His father's guiding policy had been Juche ("self reliance"); the son's is Songeun ("military first"). 他的父亲的指导政策是“主体”(自力更生),他作为儿子则是“先军” (军事优先)。 The birth of the Juche idea marked an event that brought about a revolutionary turn in developing the progressive idea of humanity and realizing the cause of independence.