Best build for Johnny? : r/TexasChainsawGame - Reddit
Johnny isn't even the best at chasing people, fucking Sissy does that better than him, since she can actually fit through gaps, not to mention Hitchhiker being both better at chasing than Johnny and Sissy, AND coming with team utility. The only thing he shines at is playing against a victim team taking things slow and is sneaking around a lot.
Best johnny build : r/TXChainSawGame - Reddit
Scout, serrated, and fired up is the most optimal johnny class. Fastest movement, fast stamina recovery, and only takes one more swing to kill a 50 toughness victim than the optimal big swings load out. Big swings is a fun gimmick, but its not optimal or meta.
Johnny suddenly has become Tier S after the Attack speed tech
Well as someone who plays Johnny I was unaware of this. Sounds dumb af. I hope they fix it without making Johnny's attack worse in the process. He doesn't need a nerf, but he also shouldn't be able to knife attack speed run like a dingus.
Best johny build? : r/TexasChainsawGame - Reddit
Aug 22, 2023 · Johnny seems to specialise in hunting Victims, so Scout would be very useful for both chasing and tracking, also to negate the damage decrease from Scout Vial-Ent is a must have if you want to deal good damage, the last perk could be something like Tracker Tagged since you’ll be helping out the whole team with your tracking, and lastly you’ll want to get maximum Savagery if you can and ...
What do I do when Johnny finds my footprints? : …
Aug 21, 2023 · Johnny tracked him into tall grass and lost him (even though he was right next to him). The guy is hiding near an exit the entire time and Johnny and Bubba are sure he's still around, so they patrol for a solid 4-5 minutes...finally Johnny picks up the SAME TRAIL AGAIN and walks right back to the spot. I couldn't believe he was allowed to do that.
First Look at Johnny's Hunt Ability : r/TXChainSawGame - Reddit
Jun 6, 2023 · Johnny is a pressure character, similar to Leatherface and how he plays in the basement. Knowing that Johnny can track your steps and know where you're going is usually pretty tricky to get by. Usually what we see in matches with Johnny actively tracking is that Victims need to be flexible and be willing to swap objectives, swap routes, use ...
All Random Perks for each Family Member : r/TXChainSawGame
Aug 23, 2023 · Johnny has 8 random perks which includes 1 Savage, 3 Harvesting and 4 Endurance perks. Savage Perks: Serrated: Victims hit by the perk holder take 1 HP per second of extra damage for the next 3/4/5 seconds.
Is Johnny and sissy even from the movies? : r/TexasChainsawGame …
Aug 21, 2023 · Johnny has never been shown but Sissy had a baby in that movie where the Sawyers got attacked and she got kicked in the damn head lol, the TCM timeline is so beyond fk’d Reply reply Fun_Interest_1275
Johnny Razor-Sharp Outfit and Nancy Prim 'N Proper Outfit - 5
Johnny knows a lil something about cleaning up when his mother tells him to… Johnny's Razor-Sharp Outfit and Nancy's Prim ‘N Proper Outfit will be available for our May 14th update. You will be able to purchase these in a bundle for a discount or separately.
Johnny : r/TexasChainsawGame - Reddit
Aug 19, 2023 · Feeling a wave of gratefulness for this even being a thing. Who would have ever thought, Mayer joins the Dead. OteiltheWheel. Jeff Chimes-in-to-say-hello-Johnny-Boy. Bobby ol'knees Weir still aware he fucks, Lil' Mick, Billy Half-step K, and last but not least, Jay in ya Lane