Gay Actors Who've Appeared On Touched By An Angel - the Data …
Jan 22, 2014 · Now that I googled whether John Dye is gay it came as a bit of a surprise that he died three years at 47 from a heart failure, although I now remember hearing about it at that time. Apparently he wasn't out (and not in the OP's gay actor list) but someone at realjock-forums wrote that his male friend used to date John Dye.
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · John Malkovich is Dangerous Liaisons, for example. Bailey is miscast in the role the role that exists onscreen, but they could have rewritten the character to be more suitable to his age. The character is clearly written for a much younger man, and the cognitive dissonance takes the series into camp.
Which celebrities look better in person? - the Data Lounge
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