In any kind of use (in particular reproduction, distribution, etc.) of the photographs made available on this website, the Jisco logo must appear clearly and easily legible directly next to the respective photograph and clearly assignable to it.
Logo Usage and Guidelines - Cisco Brand Center
Our corporate logo is an important part of our brand. It represents our identity and is a valuable piece of intellectual property. Letting other companies use our logo can give the impression that we favor or endorse them.
Logo and Guidelines - Cisco
Cisco has several different logos available for use -- including a 2 color logo, white logo, and black logo. Choose the 2-color logo or white logo based on the contrast and readability of the background color or pattern.
Bei jeder Art der Nutzung (insbesondere der Vervielfältigung, Verbreitung etc.) der auf dieser Website zur Verfügung gestellten Fotos muss das Jisco-Logo deutlich und gut lesbar direkt neben dem jeweiligen Foto erscheinen und eindeutig zuordenbar sein.
Cisco Brand Center - Cisco
The Cisco logo Our corporate logo is an important part of our brand. So we protect it.
Cisco Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
Jun 4, 2024 · Who made the Cisco logo? John Morgridge, one of the company’s leaders, created the original logo. His vision created an iconic symbol reflecting the brand’s mission and values. In 2006, designers Jerry Kuyper and Joe Finocchiaro updated the logo, giving it a modern look.
Corporate Logo - Doing Business With Cisco
The Cisco corporate logo is the most visible and recognizable expression of the Cisco brand. We understand and appreciate that outside parties may want to show affiliation with Cisco. However, use of the corporate logo to imply affiliation with or endorsement by Cisco without express written permission from Cisco is strictly prohibited.
The Cisco Logo History, Colors, Font, and Meaning - Design Your …
Aug 18, 2023 · The Cisco logo stands as a beacon in this realm, a symbol that has evolved to embody the essence of networking technology and corporate identity. It’s not just an emblem; it’s a testament to a journey— Cisco’s iconic narrative shaped by innovation.
Jisco Clothing
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酒钢(JISCO)设计LOGO设计欣赏 - LOGO800
标志介绍:始建于1958年,西北地区建设较早的钢铁联合企业,全球产能较大/工艺技术先进的不锈钢企业酒泉钢铁(集团)有限责任公司(简称酒钢)位于明长城西端的甘肃省嘉峪关市,南倚祁连,北望大漠,地处河西走廊“咽喉要地”,素有“丝路明珠”、“戈壁钢城”之美誉。 酒钢始建于1958年,是新中国继鞍钢、武钢、包钢之后规划建设的第四个钢铁工业基地。 经过50多年的发展,酒钢已建成西部较大的钢铁联合企业,成为甘肃省多元发展的大型骨干企业集团。 酒钢大 …