Jinghu (instrument) - Wikipedia
The jinghu (京胡; pinyin: jīnghú) is a Chinese bowed string instrument in the huqin family, used primarily in Beijing opera. It is the smallest and highest pitched instrument in the huqin family.
京胡 - 百度百科
京胡是随着京剧的形成和发展,在胡琴的基础之上改制而成的一种 拉弦乐器。 它的声音刚劲嘹亮,是京剧 管弦乐 伴奏中的主要乐器。 上个世纪五、六十年代以前,京剧界一直沿用着胡琴的称呼,在这之后,为了区别于其他剧种,才正式将这种乐器称为“京胡”。 清乾隆五十五年,安徽的“三庆”、“四喜”、“和春”、“春台” 四大徽班,陆续来到了北京演出,他们同来自湖北的 汉调 艺人合作,相互影响,又接受了昆曲、秦腔的曲调和表演方法,逐渐融合、发展成为了京剧。 京剧的主要 …
Jinghu | Chinese, Strings, Fiddle | Britannica
Jinghu, Chinese two-stringed fiddle that is the principal melodic instrument in jingxi (Peking opera) ensembles. The smallest (and therefore highest-pitched) of the Chinese spike fiddles (huqin), the jinghu is about 50 cm (20 inches) in length. Its body is a bamboo tube, covered at the playing end
Jinghu demonstration - YouTube
JinghuZHANG GuoliangThis video is presented by Music Confucius Institute at The Royal Danish Academy of Music as part of the information material for compose...
jinghu · Grinnell College Musical Instrument Collection · Grinnell ...
The jinghu is a bowed spike-lute chordophone of the Han Chinese. It is known by the general term huqin or hu ch'in, which refers to stringed instruments in general though most often fiddles. The jinghu is differentiated from the erhu by its silk, rather than steel, strings.
Heritage of Jinghu, arts of strings - China Daily
Feb 15, 2025 · Jinghu is the smallest and highest pitched instrument in the huqin family. The strings were formerly made of silk, but in modern times are increasingly made of steel or nylon. Unlike other huqin instruments (erhu, gaohu, zhonghu, etc.), it is made of bamboo.
Jinghu - Red Music Shop
The jinghu (京胡; pinyin: jīnghú) is a Chinese bowed string instrument in the huqin family, used primarily in Beijing opera. It is the smallest and highest pitched instrument in the huqin family. Like most of its relatives, the jinghu has 2 strings that are customarily tuned to the interval of a 5th which the hair of the non-detachable bow ...
Nov 9, 2012 · The jinghu (京胡; pinyin: jīnghú) is a Chinese bowed string instrument in the huqin family, used primarily in Beijing opera. It is the smallest and highest pitched instrument in the huqin family.
京胡 (中国民族乐器)_京胡的简介、名曲和历史发展_汉程艺术
京胡是在清乾隆五十年(1785)左右,随着京剧的形成在胡琴的基础上改制而成的弦乐器,至今已有200余年历史。 最早的京胡,不仅琴杆短,琴筒也小,为了能拉高调儿,还有蒙蟒皮的,而且是用软弓子(不张紧弓毛)拉弦。 19世纪以后,才开始出现硬弓。 现安徽、山东、河南、四川等地仍有保留用软弓演奏,音色 京胡 较硬弓演奏的柔软,并有一种特殊的碎弓效果,演奏技巧也很高,而硬弓的发音则刚劲、嘹亮。 20世纪上半叶,京剧演员不断降低音高,讲究行腔圆润,京 …
京胡起源与发展,中国的传统拉弦乐器京胡介绍-京胡百科 - 乐器学 …
京胡是在清乾隆五十年(1785)左右,随着京剧的形成在胡琴的基础上改制而成的拉弦乐器,至今已有20O余年历史。 最早的京胡,不仅琴杆短,琴筒也小,为了能拉高调儿还有蒙蟒皮的,而且是用软弓子(不张紧弓毛)拉弦。 19世纪以后,才开始出现硬弓。 现在安徽、山东、河南、四川等地仍有保留用软弓演奏,音色较硬弓演奏的柔软,并有一种特殊的碎弓效果,演奏技巧也很高,而硬弓的发音则刚劲、嘹亮。 20世纪上半叶,京剧演员不断降低音高,讲究行腔圆润,京胡的 …
京胡,京胡是古典,民族乐器之一,京胡(拼音:jīng hú)又称胡琴。 是中国的传统拉弦乐器,18世纪时末期,随着中国传统戏曲京剧的形成,在拉弦乐器胡琴的基础上改制而成,已有200多年的历史,是中国传统戏曲京剧的主要伴奏乐器。
Jinghu (instrument) - Wikiwand
The jinghu (京胡; pinyin: jīnghú) is a Chinese bowed string instrument in the huqin family, used primarily in Beijing opera. It is the smallest and highest pitched instrument in the huqin family. The jinghu has a tone similar to a violin but raspier.
Jinghu learn to play,learning,article,how to take care?
Jinghu is mainly composed of piano rods, piano barrels, piano yards, strings and bows and other components. The drum of Jinghu is cylindrical, which is the acoustic resonance part of Jinghu. The vibration of the strings is transmitted to the drum through the bridge, which makes the air in the drum vibrate and emits a crisp and bright tone.
Jinghu (instrument) — Wikipédia
Le jinghu (chinois : 京胡 ; pinyin : jīnghú ; litt. « huqin de Pékin ») est un instrument à cordes frottées chinois de la famille des huqin, utilisé principalement dans l'opéra de Pékin. Il s'agit de l'instrument de cette famille qui est le plus petit et qui possède le manche le plus long.
京胡 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
Jan 20, 2022 · 京胡五度定弦,一般为g 1 、d 2,音域为g 1 ~e 4。 京胡常用调名、调高与弦法为:上字调,宫= b B,la、mi弦;尺字调,宫=C,sol、re弦;凡字调,宫= b E弦,mi、si弦; …
Jinghu Musical Instrument Facts - World of Musicality
Oct 7, 2024 · The jinghu is a traditional Chinese string instrument, known for its high-pitched, bright sound. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the huqin family, playing a central role in Peking opera performances.
JingHu.htm - china-expats.com
The jinghu (京胡; pinyin: jīnghú) is a Chinese bowed string instrument in the huqin family, used primarily in Beijing opera. It is the smallest and highest pitched instrument in the huqin family.
The Jinghu: Peking Opera’s Traditional Stringed Symphony
Nov 29, 2023 · The Jinghu (京胡) is a traditional Chinese string instrument, pivotal in Peking Opera. Its development in the late 18th century, around the Qianlong era of the Qing dynasty, was closely tied to the formation of Peking Opera.
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