Bulletin 147 - Joint Inspection Group
Apr 5, 2023 · This Bulletin gives details of the controlled adoption of Water Barrier Filter Technology into the JIG Standards. It lists key operating requirements and procedures to extend service life to 12 months.
bulletin no. 147 water barrier filtration (cdfx b) 5 april 2023 this bulletin is addressed to all members with into-plane operations. it introduces a controlled acceptance* of 2” water barrier filtration (wbf) qualified to ei1588 2nd edition [cdfx – 2xxb or cdfx-b] into the jig standards, to supplement the filtration technologies
Standards & Publications - Joint Inspection Group
Approximately 45% of jet fuel in the world is supplied through more than 2750 JIG member facilities that follow JIG standards.
JIG Bulletin 147 Water Barrier Filtration
Apr 10, 2023 · JIG (Joint Inspection Group) released Operations Bulletin 147 updating the industry on Water Barrier Filtration. “Introducing acceptance of 2″ Water Barrier Filtration (WBF) qualified to EI-1588 2nd Edition into the JIG Standards, to supplement the filtration technologies currently accepted by JIG.
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JIG Bulletin 147 also states that while this is a requirement, it will be reviewed to assess extending their service life to 12 months, after gathering operational data. Per ATA-103, the changeout will be 1 year maximum.
Joint Inspection Group on LinkedIn: JIG has published Operations ...
JIG has published Operations Bulletin 147 - Water Barrier Filtration Adoption into JIG Standards. Available on our website for Members and all Industry Stakeholders: https://lnkd.in/eJciFxsY
Il est rappelé aux utilisateurs des Normes JIG que JIG ne délivre pas d'approbations d'équipements ou de matériaux. Il est de la seule responsabilité des utilisateurs de décider si l'équipement est acceptable pour leur besoins, adapté à
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JIG Bulletins Update | Joint Inspection Group - eleventeenth
Jan 6, 2015 · All current JIG Bulletins are available from the JIG Website. Bulletins which have been withdrawn can only be provided on request by the JIG Technical Manager.
BULLETIN 146 - Joint Inspection Group
Oct 14, 2022 · This bulletin is for hydrant system operators and into-plane companies operating on hydrant systems. it details changes to the jig standards, modifying the design of test rig facilities and deadman testing requirements to ensure that hydrant coupler mounted deadman systems are tested independently every quarter.