Mahseer - Wikipedia
There have been calls for Tor tambra, the 'Java mahseer' known locally as emperau, to be adopted as the national fish of Malaysia. [31]
A Current Update on the Distribution, Morphological Features, and ...
The king of rivers or mahseer comprises three genera: Tor, Neolissochilus, and Naziritor, under the Cyprinidae family. The Tor genus has been classified as the true mahseer due to the …
(PDF) The nutritional profile of indonesian salmon van Java mahseer …
The genus Tor, called true mahseer, is reported to represent 16 valid species so far (Pinder et al., 2019). These species are related to high religious and cultural significance throughout South …
Mahseer (Tor spp.) fishes of the world: status, challenges and ...
May 2, 2019 · The mahseer fishes (Tor spp.) represent an iconic genus of large-bodied species of the Cyprinidae family. Across the 16 recognised species in the genus, individual fish can attain …
River, Subang (West Java), Indonesia, in size of 36 ±3.6 cm in length and 535.5 ±24.2 g in weight (Figure 1). Identification was conducted by the Research Institute for Inland Water Fisheries.
Tor tambra - Wikipedia
Tor tambra, the Javan mahseer, is a species of mahseer native to Southeast Asia. Tor tambra is a typical mahseer, with Cyprinidae features, large scales and a large head comparative to body …
One of Indonesia's highly valued Mahseer species is Tor soro, primarily in Sumatra, Java, and Borneo islands [2]. For a long time, this species has represented an iconic tradition for cultural …
Improving the phylogenetic resolution of Malaysian and Javan mahseer …
Jul 30, 2021 · In this study, we sequenced and assembled 11 complete mahseer mitogenomes collected from Java of Indonesia, Pahang and Terengganu of Peninsular Malaysia as well as …
The nutritional profile of indonesian salmon van Java mahseer …
Jun 18, 2021 · T. soro, in Indonesia called salmon van Java is of high economic value, and due to high demand, its culture has been intensively studied and developed. This study aimed to …
Karakteristik Morfologi Dua Spesies Mahseer (Cyprinidae; Torinae) …
Mahseer (genus Tor dan Neolissochilus) adalah ikan dari famili Cyprinidae yang tersebar luas di Asia Selatan hingga Indonesia bagian barat. Saat ini keberadaan ikan tersebut di alam …