Jade Sepulcher - FFXI Wiki
Jade Sepulcher Connected Zone Zones To (?-?) Bhaflau Thickets (H-9) Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline Aht Urhgan Mission 30: Treasures of Aht Urhgan Battlefield Name Type Level Cap Time Limit Members; Making a Mockery
Jade Cryptex | FFXIclopedia - Fandom
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Jade Cryptex - FFXI Wiki
May 9, 2018 · A green stone used by the Orcs to deliver orders. The green color signifies "Norvallen," and the number of nails imbedded in its surface signifies "Attack." Dropped from...
Jade Cell - FFXI Wiki
Oct 10, 2019 · An ascent item employed by soldiers of the Voidwatch. Holds the power to enhance the bearer's spectral alignment. When traded to a Planar Rift before a Voidwatch Operation, this will increase your Green Spectral Alignment (Cruor yield) by 75% per cell. You are limited to trading 1 Jade cell per fight.
Jade Sepulcher - FFXIclopedia
Accessible via an underground burrow from Mamook to the western coast of the Bhaflau Thickets, this tomb is a sacred site of the Mamool Ja Savages. You must use the Ebony Door to do battle. Entered from Bhaflau Thickets ' 2nd map at (I-9) off of (H-9), after zoning through Mamook or the Mamool Ja Staging Point.
Jade Cryptex - HorizonXI Wiki
Jade cryptex. deliver orders. The green color. signifies "Attack." Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs. Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered to a character on the same account.
Jade Cell - FFXIclopedia | Fandom
Voidwatch: Increases Green alignment (quantity of cruor) by 25%, to a maximum of 75%. Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Auction House Category: Others > Misc.
Jade Cell - FFXIAH.com
Jade Cell stack: An ascent item employed by soldiers of the Voidwatch. Holds the power to enhance the bearer's spectral alignment. Root » Others » Misc: Info: Stock: 0: Stack Price: 30000 (30000 per) Rate: 0.029235802713528 (sold/day) Median: 1000
Jade cryptex - Final Fantasy XI Database - ffxidb.com
Jade Cryptex Jade cryptex. b'A green stone used by the Orcs to deliver orders. The green color signifies "Norvallen," and the number of nails imbedded in its surface signifies "Attack."' Dropped By 3; Voidwatch Chests 0; NPC Zone Count Chance; Orcish Brawler: Davoi: 70 out of 1353: 5.2%: Orcish Impaler: Davoi: 81 out of 1455: 5.6%:
L. Jadeshell - FFXIAH.com
This ancient Windurstian currency, valuing 100 mumus, dates back to C.E. 373. The engraving commemorates the warlord Lungo-Nango's invasion of Elvaan occupied Southern Quon. All …