What about JJ KT88 tubes? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
Oct 30, 2011 · Try the SED 6550. I like the JJ, but the sound of the 6550 is even better. The GL is a bit compressed sounding with my amps. Not a bad sound, just a little un-dynamic. I like the SED 6550 first, next the JJ, next the Sovtek KT88.
Expected hours for JJ Tesla KT88? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
Dec 26, 2007 · In March 2007, upgraded stock Sovtek 6550 power tubes to JJ Tesla KT88s. The Sovteks had lasted 5 yrs or so (and still have some life left). A KT88 (JoLida 502B v8 position) failed in Sept after about 400 hours. A second (v7 position) began glowing intensely red today after about 700 hours. I powered down before anything bad happened.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
Oct 7, 2013 · If you are on a budget and can't go to the Tung Sol KT-120 tubes I would say go for JJ KT88 Blue Glass tubes. In my experience with these tubes the sound and tone is clean but bass could be a bit thick. I've read that the JJ 6550 type tubes are just as clean sounding but the bass isn't as thick as the JJ KT88s.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
May 23, 2018 · guys- trying a set of Sylvania 6sn7 bad boys now need to know what is the best kt88 to try- my amps came with the Mullard brand- does the KT88 effect the sound as much as the 6sn7's do?- thanks for the rec=
KT88 vs 6550 tubes - Audiogon Discussion Forum
Feb 23, 2019 · So the “ KT” means kinked tetrode , this was a design change to circumvent the original patent. I have NOS Tung Sol 6550 ( 3 hole ) and SED Winged C 6550’s . I have NOS GEC KT-88’s and KT-77’s (smoked glass ). New production GL KT88’s and KT-77’s. Also new production Psvane, JJ , Tung Sol .
KT88 tube amp - Audiogon Discussion Forum
May 20, 2019 · I have settled on the Shuguang KT88-T tubes in my KT88 tube amp (Don Sachs ~74 watts). I also like the Shuguang Treasure KT88-Z tubes but they are a bit muddled on the top end compared to the -T tubes. These are noticeably …
KT88 s Sovtek vs Valve Art - Audiogon Discussion Forum
May 24, 2001 · Just that our tastes, likes, and preferences may be different. The JJ/Tesla/Teslovak is a more polite KT88 in my experience. That is why I prefer it. Often, I like a classic tube sound if I am going to be using tubes. I guess the EL34 is the most characteristic of that sound, and the JJ KT88 can bring me closest to that.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
Nov 17, 2020 · I won't be chasing NOS tubes. I'd like your experience with Gelenlex Gold Lion, TungSol, Mullard, Telefunken, or?, etc. of current manufacture. The amp uses KT88, 12ax7, 12au7 and CR34 rectifier. Any thoughts about KT88 vs 6550 would be appreciated. I used to prefer 6550 way back when. Any information would be appreciated.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
Apr 15, 2005 · The EH KT88 will sound more dynamic, tighter more powerful bass, a bit brighter top & extension. The Svetlana KT88 will have a slightly romanticized midrange, with a burnished sound, more tubeish sounding, the EH sounding less tubeish. The highs have a bit of cloudy coloration. It amounts to a matter of taste and the gear it is in.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
Nov 16, 2017 · I play drums and love the Russian Tung Sol 7851a,,.however I recently installed a quad of JJ EL34L and prefer them. They have that great midrange magic, tight punchy bass and smooth highs. The JJ's are my favorite new production power tube. They are even cheaper than the 7851a. They beat the Russian GL KT77, Mullard EL34 and Tungsol EL34B in my ...