JJ 6CA7 power tubes for EL34 based amp? - The Gear Page
Apr 30, 2017 · Look at a Sylvania 6CA7 and tell me that looks anything like an EL34. The JJ version, which I have in my Bugera 1960, is a beam tetrode like the original Sylvanias. It sounds like a cross between a 6L6GC (more solid bass response) and an EL34 (the midrange response) with a top end that's kind of in between the two.
For metal: EVH 5153 EL34 or Friedman JJ Jr? - The Gear Page
May 7, 2021 · i just got a kruse modded 5153 50w 6l6 that is amazing. played with a guy a while back that had the el34 and it was good but i prefer 6l6s. make sure to get the version with concentric knobs. havent been able to play a jj jr but i have heard people say it was too dark for them. i would love try the bigger version, most 20w amps dont do much for me.
el34 vs 6v6 wow-huge diff. - The Gear Page
Mar 28, 2018 · The "Philips" EL34 appears to be a Mullard/Blackburn origin. The sonic character of those Mullards are generally more low-mid and bass grunt, less airy upper mids. For those who preferred the upper-mid content of the JJ 6V6S, you may wish to explore other Philips EL34 from the late '50s (Sittard) or early '60s (Brussels) - they'll really outshine!
Russian, Chinese or Slovakian Tubes? | The Gear Page
Mar 15, 2022 · When I was using Marshalls I preferred the Mullard RI EL34’s. Always liked the way Chinese 12ax7’s sounded in them over JJ’s or Sovteks. Now that I’m only using a Fender Vibrolux Reverb I’m liking the Tung Sol RI 6L6’s or STR’s, but those cost more. I …
EL34 tubes - which one? - The Gear Page
Mar 16, 2015 · I'm thinking of replacing the tubes in my Fargen Micro Plex. Right now it has a JJ EL34 and a Sovtek 12AX7. It sounds okay with these but I've never replaced the tubes - they're probably about 2 years old. I want low noise, reliable tubes. Based on the information I see on The Tube Store...
el34 vs 6v6 wow-huge diff. | Page 2 | The Gear Page
Mar 28, 2018 · The "Philips" EL34 appears to be a Mullard/Blackburn origin. The sonic character of those Mullards are generally more low-mid and bass grunt, less airy upper mids. For those who preferred the upper-mid content of the JJ 6V6S, you may wish to explore other Philips EL34 from the late '50s (Sittard) or early '60s (Brussels) - they'll really outshine!
EL34 question - The Gear Page
Oct 23, 2009 · Ok tube gurus. Let me pick your brain. I'm about to retube my amp. I can go either 6L6 or EL34. I think it will be el34. So, the question is, which tube set do you recommend for between $35 - $55? I like a nice clean with some headroom. But the distortion channel to sing with sustain. Any ideas?:)
Recommend me some EL34's - The Gear Page
May 8, 2013 · I'm new to 34 power tubes, and looking for suggestions. I have a head built by a local guy that is cathode biased with 2x el34's and a tube rectifier. It currently had JJ EL34L's installed. They sound ok, big and bold. What should look …
Is it time for me to re-tube my Suhr Badger 30? | The Gear Page
May 22, 2012 · While grabbing "any set of JJ EL34's matched" makes re-tubing the Badger 30 easy, I still wonder about the tonal benefits of using those values written on the original tubes (as a guide for replacement).
El34 tubes and preamp tubes - The Gear Page
Jul 27, 2013 · What el34 tubes and preamp tubes are you guys using in your Marshall jcm amps and jcm clones for classic rock and hard rock?
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