What ARE those lines under Itachi eyes? - Cosplay.com
[QUOTE=Iora;1870729]Like it's said here already; If you draw that kind of facial lines under the eyes like Itachi has, that symbols often that the person is tired, had lack of sleep or stressed out. You can also get this lines when you get older. I think the lines make Itachi looks tired, but I don't think Gaara look so tired thou.[/QUOTE]
What ARE those lines under Itachi eyes? - Cosplay.com
I concluded, in jest, that the Sharingan's pace of development is encouraged by rubbing the eyes. It's always like parents to tell you not to rub your eyes when something's bothering them. So, Itachi goes all *rubrubrub*, parents admonish him, he kills them [aaand everyone else], and then says "Baibai SAUCE-KAY! Grow up and kill me someday!
Cosplay.com - Itachi - Naruto
Cosplay photos and costumes for the character Itachi, from the series Naruto
Itachi help - Cosplay.com
(I'm doing this without a reference picture but I don't think we've ever seen under Itachi's Akatsuki coat) okay ninja sandals - white, which come half way up the calf, black pants (think Kakashi) and a black shirt, probably tight, probably with fishnet sleeves and a fishnet panel around the neck hole (in the series we can see partial fishnet whenever his coat is open)...anyway that is what ...
Cosplay.com - Anbu Itachi - Naruto
Cosplay photos and costumes for the character Anbu Itachi, from the series Naruto. Close sidebar.
Akatsuki Uchiha Itachi - Naruto - Cosplay.com
Cosplay photos and costumes for the character Akatsuki Uchiha Itachi, from the series Naruto. Close sidebar.
Cosplay.com - Embroidery
I foolishly took it into my head to outline all the clouds on my boyfriend's Arrancar!Itachi coat in hand-done satin stitch, eight days before AnimeNext. Because if you have to cosplay two overcosplayed things at the same time, you might as well have insane detailing, right? >__> It took ~100 hours and lots of audiobooks and I should probably ...
Cosplay.com - Alternatives to Worbla??
[QUOTE=Millions_Knives;4925018]let me open your eyes to a word of thermoformalbe plastics
Cosplay.com - 11eyes Character List
A listing of characters and cosplay costumes from the series 11eyes
Cosplay.com - Cosplaying while pregnant
I'm going to repeat a suggestion someone made one of the previous times this topic came up; dress as a male character for some real life mpreg. Ideally said character should be one who attracts yaoi fangirls for obvious reasons. Think of the pictures, the fame, and the number of people whose eyes you'll make pop out.