What is ISUDT? The Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment (ISUDT) program is a comprehensive approach to treating Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in California prisons.
The ISUDT Program provides timely and effective treatment and transition to the community for incarcerated individuals with SUDs, with the goals of saving lives, reducing avoidable health complications and costs, improving public safety and promoting healthier communities.
ISUDT Program goals remain focused on building departmental capacity to address SUDs as a chronic disease through a multi-divisional, collaborative delivery model. There is one overdose death in the United States (U.S.) every four and a half minutes, and 2023 was the
ISUDT Dashboard - CCHCS
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the first two years of the Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment (ISUDT) Program, including data from 2019 (prior to program implementation) through January 2022.The report shows significant reductions in overdose hospitalizations and deaths, while access to
(ISUDT) is a comprehensive approach to treating Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in California prisons. ISUDT . requires active involvement of all program areas within CDCR and CCHCS in order to provide timely and effective evidence-based treatment and transition services to incarcerated individuals with . SUD. The long-term goals of . ISUDT . are ...
Substance Use Disorder Treatment (ISUDT) Program in January 2020. The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of ISUDT Program implementation and to determine if the program is achieving its goal of reducing SUD-related morbidity and mortality.
Dashboard - CCHCS
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CCHCS - California Correctional Health Care Services
What is CCHCS? California Correctional Health Care Services provides care that includes medical, dental and mental health services to California’s incarcerated population at all 31 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) institutions statewide.
Key performance indicators for institution and providers are included on the ISUDT Dashboard. E. NHANCED . P. RE-R. ELEASE AND . T. RANSITION . S. ERVICES Transition services are provided for all releasing patients in order to facilitate their ongoing treatment and recovery without interruption. See page 22 for more details.