Isorhythm - Wikipedia
Isorhythm (from the Greek for "the same rhythm") is a musical technique using a repeating rhythmic pattern, called a talea, in at least one voice part throughout a composition. Taleae are …
Isorhythm | Medieval, Polyphonic & Motet | Britannica
A logical outgrowth of the rhythmic modes (fixed patterns of triple rhythms) that governed most late medieval polyphony, isorhythm first appeared in 13th-century motets, primarily in cantus …
What is Isorhythm? - teoria
What is Isorhythm? Isorhythm is a compositional technique developed in the XIII century and in use up to the XV century. It involves repetitive use of rhythmic patterns (prefix iso of Greek …
ISORHYTHM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ISORHYTHM is a single fixed rhythmic pattern typically long and complex that is reiterated throughout the whole of a sung voice part which is usually the tenor. How to use …
Isorhythm - Ars Novita
Isorhythm (from the Greek for "the same rhythm") is a musical technique that arranges a fixed pattern of pitches with a repeating rhythmic pattern. It consists of an order of durations or …
ΙΣΟΡΗΨΤΗΜ - isorhythm.com
Isorhythm (from the Greek Isos meaning “identical” or “equal” and rhythmos “rhythm"), is a 20th century term used to describe a compositional technique that employs periodic repetition or …
Isorhythm (Chapter 4) - A Critical Companion to Medieval Motets
SCHOLARS TODAY generally agree that ‘isorhythm’ ought to mean what it says, a term describing segments of music literally exhibiting the ‘same rhythm’, duration for duration. This …
(musTh 212) Messiaen, Quartet for the End of Time, Mov’t 1 – Isorhythm
Feb 24, 2012 · An isorhythm features a repeating rhythmic pattern and an independent repeating pitch pattern. Messiaen referred to the repeating rhythmic pattern as a rhythmic pedal . The …
(PDF) What is Isorhythm? - Academia.edu
It discusses the characteristics and complexities of isorhythmic motets, framing them as manifestations of medieval rationalism and artistic rigor, while also examining how the concept …
Isorhythm - lcsproductions.net
It is a term to denote a structural principle frequently used in 14th-century motets, particularly in the tenors. Its main feature is the use of a reiterated scheme of time values for the …