Iris missouriensis - Wikipedia
Iris missouriensis (syn. I. montana) is a hardy flowering rhizomatous species of the genus Iris, in the family Iridaceae. Its common names include western blue flag, Rocky Mountain iris, [4] and Missouri flag. It is native to western North America.
Iris missouriensis - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Iris missouriensis, commonly known as western blue flag and Rocky Mountain iris, is a beardless iris that grows from an irregularly-creeping tuberous rhizome. In the wild, it typically rises to 12-24” tall.
Iris missouriensis (Rocky Mountain Iris) - Gardenia
Quite hardy, Iris missouriensis (Rocky Mountain Iris) is a spreading rhizomatous perennial boasting large, delicate, pale blue or blue-violet flowers, 2-3 in. long (5-7 cm), with deeply veined dark purple sepals adorned with a yellow-white signal.
Western Blue Flag Iris (Iris missouriensis) | US Forest Service
The Western blue flag iris is a handsome beardless iris that grows between 1 and 2 feet tall. The flowers are easily identifiable; large purple blossoms with white or sometimes yellowish veins. Depending on the region, the Western blue flag iris will bloom in the late spring to summer.
Iris missouriensis - US Forest Service
Iris missouriensis is commonly found growing in wet meadows, seeps, dry steppes, and open woodland. It is the most drought-tolerant of our native irises only needing moisture in the spring. In this picture, note the prominent nectar guides of Iris missouriensis for a pollinator to follow.
Iris missouriensis - USDA Plants Database
Rocky Mountain iris Classification Kingdom Plantae - Plants: Subkingdom Tracheobionta - Vascular plants: Superdivision Spermatophyta - Seed plants: Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants: Class Liliopsida - Monocotyledons: Subclass Liliidae: Order Liliales: Family
Blossoms of Iris missouriensis are pale lilac to whitish with lilac-purple veins. For current distribution, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Web site. The native irises are excellent in shade situations, even dense shade of …
Iris missouriensis - Burke Herbarium Image Collection
Habitat: Common in vernally moist meadows, especially in sagebrush and Ponderosa pine forests. Flowers: May-July. Origin: Native. Growth Duration: Perennial. Conservation Status: Not of concern. Pollination: Bumblebees, bees, flies, hummingbirds. Herbaceous perennials from thick rhizomes, the simple flowering stems 2-4 dm. tall, leafless.
How to Grow Wild Blue Iris (Iris missouriensis) from Seed – Sow …
Wild blue iris (Iris missouriensis) is the most common native Iris in Western North America and grows naturally in forest meadows and wetlands. Wild Blue Iris is also called Western Blue Flag Iris, and this cold hardy flower can be grown in zones 1- 10.
Iris missouriensis Nutt. - Calflora
[Wikipedia] Range, Description, Uses, Toxicity: Iris missouriensis (syn. I. montana) is a hardy flowering rhizomatous species of the genus Iris, in the family Iridaceae. Its common names include western blue flag, Rocky Mountain iris, [2] and Missouri flag. It …
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