Discover the AP – Inreda Diabetic
The Inreda AP ® is an automatic system (closed loop) and independently regulates the blood glucose level by administering insulin and glucagon. This eliminates the need to administer insulin tasks will therefore disappear. The AP ® 5, CE approved under MDR, is being used in multiple studies and projects. The AP ® 6 is currently under development.
Inreda Diabetic
The results of the first large-scale study involving a bi-hormonal fully closed-loop system with individuals with type 1 diabetes were published, presenting the outcomes of the Inreda AP®. Over 70 individuals used the Inreda AP® for a period of 1 year.
Bihormonal fully closed-loop system for the treatment of type 1 ...
Mar 4, 2024 · The Inreda AP is a bihormonal reactive FCL system. The intended use of this system is to provide automated glycaemic control for insulin-treated adults with diabetes in a home setting. Inreda AP is currently not available in general clinical care.
The Inreda AP® uses two hormones: insulin and glucagon, to prevent or treat hyper-/hypoglycaemia, respectively. The addition of glucagon makes the treatment unique in its kind.
Bihormonal fully closed-loop system for the treatment of type 1 ...
Methods: The FCL system (Inreda AP; Inreda Diabetic, Goor, Netherlands) that uses two hormones (insulin and glucagon) was assessed in a 1 year, multicentre, prospective, single-arm intervention trial in adults with type 1 diabetes.
Artificial pancreas offers hope to type 1 diabetes sufferers
Mar 5, 2024 · In the first large-scale trial, self-financed by Koops’ company Inreda Diabetic, 75 people used the device for a year. Patients showed blood sugar levels which remained constant for an average of six hours longer, and reported fewer symptoms associated with type 1 diabetes, such as bad eyesight.
Kunstmatige alvleesklier uit Nederland verbetert ... - NTvL
In de studie werd de Inreda AP5 pomp beoordeeld in een 1-jarig, multicenter, prospectief, enkelarmig interventieonderzoek bij volwassenen met type 1 diabetes. Deelnemers werden geworven in acht poliklinieken in Nederland.
#ATTD2023: Updates Over Closed-loop Systemㅤ - Diabetotech
Mar 2, 2023 · 6. INREDA INREDA has been developing a bihormonal closed-loop system with insulin and glucagon for >10 years. Their AP5 is currently being evaluated in a randomised study with 240 adults with type 1 diabetes in the Netherlands for 12 months (DARE study)
Fully Closed Loop Glucose Control With a Bihormonal Artificial …
Jan 4, 2021 · In conclusion, this trial demonstrates that the Inreda Diabetic AP provides superior glucose control compared with insulin pump therapy and is safe in adults with type 1 diabetes. The available clinical evidence resulted in the first CE-marked bihormonal AP.
The Inreda Dual-Hormone Pump: A Fully Closed-Loop System
The Inreda pump comes from the Netherlands, where 250 people are using it right now. I saw two versions of the device - the Inreda AP 5, which is used today, and the Inreda AP 6, a smaller, next-generation model, currently in-development and expected to hit consumers in 2026.