Imrahil | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 8, 2020 · Imrahil had realized that Aragorn was the perfect King but believed that he should not enter the city as he knew Denethor was mighty and stubborn. Upon learning about the death of Denethor and Faramir's condition, he asked for Aragorn to be summoned as he remembered that the kings of old were great at healing.
Why did Imrahil of Dol Amroth act as Steward of Gondor during …
Feb 4, 2016 · Imrahil, as a noble lord of Gondor who was present in the city and respected by all, seems an obvious choice. Here's Aragorn delegating to Imrahil: But Imrahil said: "So victory is shorn of gladness, and it is bitter bought, if both Gondor and Rohan are in one day bereft of their lords. Éomer rules the Rohirrim.
Were Prince Imrahil and the Men of Dol Amroth southern Dúnedain?
Jan 15, 2015 · Yes, Imrahil and the Princes of Dol Amroth were Dúnedain. However, the story of Imrahil's Elvish blood is actually more interesting than that. History of Middle-Earth has a short discussion about the house of Dol Amroth, where we learn about a marriage between a minor Númenórean lord and an Elf-maid:
⚔️ Knights of Dol Amroth | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 18, 2020 · Prince Imrahil was the twenty-second prince of Dol Amroth. He led a team of knights and a force of 700 men to Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring to defend his city. It was on March 9, 3019 that these Knights of Dol Amroth proceeded towards Minas Tirith. The Prince led the troops that rode to help Faramir.
The Problem of Prince Imrahil - The Tolkien Forum
Mar 23, 2021 · Which brings us to the problem of Prince Imrahil. After the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Gimli and Legolas go up into the city where they run into the Prince The following exchange occurs : At length they came to the Prince Imrahil, and Legolas looked at him and bowed low; for he saw that here indeed was one who had elven-blood in his veins.
Imrahil's Elvish blood: From where? - The Tolkien Forum
Aug 20, 2001 · Faramir, Boromir, Théoden Éowyn and Éomer were all (in part) descendants of Imrazôr, yet Legolas seems to have noticed the Elven strain in Imrahil (his 'direct descendant') more then in them. Éomer and Lothiríel’s son, Ælfwine was …
Aragorn and Imrahil - The Tolkien Forum
Aug 15, 2002 · During the WR Imrahil fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and he ruled Minas Tirith after the death of Denethor II while Faramir was ill. He was one of the Captains of the West, and fought in the battle outside the Morannon. Imrahil was a great warrior, and was known as Imrahil the fair because he bore the signs of Dúnadan and Elvish ...
tolkiens legendarium - Did Prince Imrahil try to talk Faramir out of ...
Aug 3, 2021 · Imrahil took the intel of Faramir seriously, and did not think it was wise to spread thin their already diminished forces (keep in mind that many men were held up in Southern Gondor by the Corsairs before Aragorn came to help them). To summarise, no, Imrahil did not directly oppose Denethor's will.
Prince Imrahil's Elven Blood - The Tolkien Forum
Nov 21, 2003 · If I recall correctly, in one of the books, it said that prior to Aragorn and Arwen, only two other Human-Elf couples existed. Then again, it clearly stated that Prince Imrahil, of Dol Amroth, had a fair bit of Elven blood in him. While it is possible that he …
Lothiriel | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 27, 2021 · Lothiriel had three older siblings Elphir, Erchirion, and Amrothos, and was the only daughter of Prince Imrahil. Her notable cousins were Boromir and Faramir. She married Eomer of the House of Eorl when she was around twenty-two years old, and the royal couple had a son named Elfwine. Elfwine, the Fair, resembled Prince Imrahil in appearance ...