Ilmatar - Wikipedia
Ilmatar is an album by the Finnish band Värttinä, released in 2000. Its theme was inspired by the goddess's origin-story in the Kalevala and similar Finnish folk-lore and magic. The Main Belt asteroid 385 Ilmatar is named after the goddess.
Frontpage - Ilmatar
6 days ago · Ilmatar is a leading Independent Power Producer (IPP) and renewable energy developer in the Nordics. We generate clean electricity sustainably and efficiently from natural sources, wind and sun. With energy storage, we enhance a more flexible energy ecosystem.
ILMATAR - the Finnish Goddess of Air (Finnish mythology)
Godchecker guide to Ilmatar (also known as Luonnotar), the Finnish Goddess of Air from Finnish mythology. Goddess of Air and creator of cosmic egg cookery
Ilmatar - World Mythos
In Finnish mythology, Ilmatar is a significant figure, often associated with the creation of the world and the embodiment of the spirit of air. She is sometimes referred to as the “goddess of the air” and is considered a vital force in the mythology of the Finnish people.
Our story - Ilmatar
6 days ago · We have borrowed our company name from the goddess of air, Ilmatar, in the Finnish national epic Kalevala. In the epic saga, Ilmatar lands in the primordial sea and is impregnated by the wind. A scaup flies across the skies and lays an egg on her knee.
Ilmatar – Finnish Goddess of Creation | The Powers That Be
Feb 26, 2017 · The name Ilmatar is derived from the Finnish word ilma, meaning “air,” and the suffix -tar, denoting a female spirit. Thus, her name literally means “female air spirit.” In the Kalevala she was also occasionally called Luonnotar,which means “female spirit of nature” (Finnish luonto, “nature”)
Etusivu - Ilmatar
6 days ago · Ilmatar on johtava itsenäinen sähköntuottaja ja uusiutuvan energian kehittäjä Pohjoismaissa. Tuotamme puhdasta sähköä kestävästi ja tehokkaasti luonnon lähteistä, tuulesta ja auringosta. Energiavarastojen avulla edistämme joustavampaa energiaekosysteemiä.