Ikari Form. (Spoiler Alert) : r/dbz - Reddit
Dec 31, 2018 · He only started using Ikari after Vegeta went SSG, started overpowering both SSG Vegeta and SSG Goku in 1v1s (Goku moreso) and eventually (according to Paragus) capped out at being on par with SSB Goku. So assuming that Ikari is "only" a 10x boost (like a typical Oozaru transformation), Broly's base level eventually reached way above Goku and ...
Could GT Goku use DBS Broly's Wrathful/Fury/Ikari form?
Sep 16, 2023 · 28 votes, 21 comments. 268K subscribers in the Dragonballsuper community. Join up and talk with fellow Dragon Ball Super/Z/GT fans 🐲🟠
Broly's Ikari Form And SSJ4 : r/dbz - Reddit
Feb 18, 2021 · To follow that is his FPSSJ form, which stacks on top of his Ikari state, at least at its introduction. My question is this: If Golden Oozaru is just Oozaru + Super Saiyan, and SSJ4 is controlling yourself in Golden Oozaru to condense it down, would that mean Bdoly is a single step away from potentially having his own brand of SSJ4, if he ...
I have a theory on Super Saiyan Ikari : r/dbz - Reddit
May 14, 2021 · I'd say Mastered Super Saiyan 2, as opposed to being Ikari, is purely just a Super Saiyan 2 form but without stamina drainage and higher power increase, which we actually caught glimpses of with Vegeta and Trunks in the manga, both having Super Saiyan 2 stages that were insinuated to be on par with Super Saiyan 3, if not higher in Vegeta's case.
I think DBS: Superhero actually answers what exactly Trunks
Jul 19, 2022 · Half-Saiyans having their own version of the Ikari form would also explain why the power multiplier provided would be well in excess of the simple 10x Ikari for Full-Bloods (So much so it lept Trunks up a level to hold off Goku Black who was just able to pummel Goku in SSJB, and lept Gohan to a power well beyond DBS-Broly SSJB Goku/Vegeta based ...
Can someone explain Broly's transformations in DBS? : …
Dec 7, 2021 · 2: Ikari Broly, A state that allows a saiyan to harness the oozaru power whilst maintaining human form (probably due to mutation also) 3: Ssj+ikari, Broly uses the ssj (which is stronger than the average ssj) with Ikari. I’d say that his ssj is not it’s complete form (the mutation allows him to complete it by powering up at maximum)
My Version of Ssj4 -Expanded- (People were asking what Ikari
Mar 25, 2023 · Goku states that this form feels like his body is being pulled apart, "Like the two energies in my body don't want to mix together. Like they're trying to pull my mind and body in opposite directions." "Zenith" = After the odd feeling of mixing SsjGod and Ikari, Goku wasn't sure if mixing that with Ssj was the right move.
Brolys ikari form (only) vs Ultimate Gohan. who's taking the W?
Jun 20, 2023 · Ikari Broly is approximately as strong as Super Saiyan God Yeah that's why God Goku was getting slammed into the ground and dragged through mountains whereas Ultimate Gohan was as strong as Super Saiyan Blue years prior. You mean in the pre-TOP sparring match where Gohan begged Goku to go further than SSJ2 and then got clapped by Kaioken?
r/dbz on Reddit: What if Broly taught the the Ikari form to Goku ...
Sep 4, 2019 · This is "wrath state" which is called Ikari no Jōtai and then there is also "super saiyan ikari" which was the powered up ss2 that future trunks does in the zamasu arc Reply TrueSaiyanGod ⠀ •
I drew Goku if he unlocked Brolys Ikari form instead of Super
Feb 11, 2022 · kinda like episode 195 super saiyan goku Edit: of z, episode 195 of z