Gorean Map by _Marcus_ of Ar - The Gorean Cave
I have given the Northern Forests an Eastern edge, therefore, which can be reached by Thassa if one sails to the Polar Sea and slips through the glacial ice of the area between Axe Glacier and the Polar Plain, during the summer.
Icebergs, also called ice mountains, are a constant threat. The polar north is very dry; less snow falls there than in lower latitudes. The snow that does fall is less likely to melt. Most of the land is tundra, a cool, generally level or slightly wavy, treeless plain.
The World of Gor (Luther)
May 3, 2023 · Icebergs, also called ice mountains, are a constant threat. The red hunters are generally kind, peaceable folk. They call themselves Innuit which means "the People."
Mountains of Gor - Geocities Archive
A mountain is a mountain to Goreans, regardless of whether it be formed of soil and stone, or ice. We tend to think of mountains as being land formations. The Gorean tends to think more of them as being objects of a certain sort, rather than objects of a certain sort with a particular location.
Gorean Geography - Portal of Dreams
Icebergs, also called ice mountains, are a constant threat. The red hunters are generally kind, peaceable folk. They call themselves Innuit which means "the People."
The Annals of Gor - MOON Productions
The fleets of tarn ships of Port Kar are the scourge of Thassa, beautiful, lateen-rigged galleys that ply the trade of plunder and enslavement from the Ta-Thassa Mountains of the southern hemisphere of Gor to the ice lakes of the North; and westward even beyond the terraced island of Cos and the rocky Tyros, with its labyrinths of vart caves."
Red Hunters (Luther) - Barbarians of Gor
They refer to it simply as a "mountain" though sometimes will call it an "ice mountain" to differentiate it from other types of mountains. The icebergs drift with the currents, basically eastward. The parsit current is the main current in the polar region and it flows eastward.
Places of Gor - Tripod
From Sardar Fair on foot into Sardar Mountains 4 days hike on foot Some four days into the mountains I heard for the first time in my journey the sound of a thing other than the wind, the sighing of snow and the groaning of ice; it was the sound of a …
Torvaldsland - silverswordmercs.tripod.com
A mountain is a mountain to Goreans, regardless of whether it be formed of soil and stone, or ice. We tend to think of mountains as being land formations. The Gorean tends to think more of them as being objects of a certain sort, rather than objects of a certain sort with a particular location.
~ The Gorean Cave ~ Gorean Map
I have given the Northern Forests an Eastern edge, therefore, which can be reached by Thassa if one sails to the Polar Sea and slips through the glacial ice of the area between Axe Glacier and the Polar Plain, during the summer.
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