How many INTP's actually have what's known as "INTP Eyes" - Reddit
Oct 1, 2017 · It depends. My resting eyes probably do look like that, but also angry or miserable, seeing as how strangers always feel it’s appropriate to tell me to ‘cheer up, it might never happen’ to which my response has become an instant humourless ‘I’m not unhappy, this is …
Eyes : r/INTP - Reddit
Jun 18, 2015 · So for me I've noticed that eyes give off a lot about a person, and I'm not sure if the following is an INTP thing. So for me, i generally avoid eye contact unless im trying to assess someone's personality, emotions, or point of view, and for some reason their eyes seem to give off the most information.
anyone else made the observation that INTPs tend to have
Also, not me, but my brother is an INTP & his eyes are droopy af, when we ask him if he can open it more, the maximum is smaller than most people's minimum. As an INFP, however, I'm regularly told, that I have very large eyes, which makes me look younger, so much so that it made a bartender question if I'm 16 yet (I'm 20) & my sister says that ...
Anyone else have predatory eyes? : r/INTP - Reddit
I have both. The dead/calm looking half open eyes, and the cold intense death stare eyes. They also open fully sometimes when im around someone i really like. I think my eyes are the only part of my face that didnt forget how to express emotion.
What is exactly is the “INTP eye” look? : r/INTP - Reddit
Feb 20, 2022 · We just don't open up our eyes all the way. For a lot of us, you will see part of our lids. We focus internally not externally. Types like ESTJ and ENFJ focus externally and have this sharp focus. Some of their pictures you can almost see all of the whites of their eyes. Compare Michelle Pfieffer's (INTP) or Bill Gates pics to Ann Coulter (ESTJ).
Do you guys also have dead eyes? : r/INTP - Reddit
Jun 28, 2024 · r/intp This sub is maintained by INTPs for INTPs. All other MBTI are welcome too, but do us all a favor and add your MBTI type to your flair, or you will be automatically assigned flair, so don't be surprised.
Anyone else here have dead eyes? : r/INTP - Reddit
Anyways, I have this thing where I speak with the top 2/3 of my face except for my eyes. Not full-on sociopath eyes. Like they're relaxed but they just don't move with the rest of my face. I don't know how to explain it beyond that. I can only emote with my eyes if I do extreme expressions. No idea how to fix this or if it is fixable.
Soulless eyes : r/INTP - Reddit
Jan 15, 2024 · Soulless eyes . For INTP Consideration Any other INTPs also suffer from having eyes that ‘have no soul ...
rbf or dead eyes : r/INTP - Reddit
Oct 22, 2022 · Is it true intps usually have dead eyes or rbf or come off as aloof. I never realized that until now but me and my brother are both intps and we both have rbfs. Yesterday I was looking at some of my pics from the past year and realising my …
INTP Eyes : r/INTP - Reddit
Aug 31, 2017 · The intp face: Hand on lip, staring at the person or (just off them), lost deep in though and eyes that say "I'm thinking about what your saying intensely". It scares most people, because they experience the horrors of someone actually listening to them.