Icom - IC-740 - RigPix Database
Icom IC-740 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + 30 m RX: 10-160 m + WARC Tuning steps: 10 / 100 Hz, 1 KHz: ... IC-MB12 IC-PS15 IC-PS740 IC-SM5 IC-SP3: Memory backup AC power supply Marker unit FM unit Electronic keyer unit 2.4 KHz (-6 dB) SSB filter. IF: 455 KHz
Icom 740, Icom IC-740 Amateur Transceiver - Universal Radio
The Icom IC-740 is an advanced transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters. Transceive frequency coverage includes: 1.8-2, 3.5-4, 7-7.3, 10-10.5, 14-14.35, 21-21.45 and 28-29.7 MHz. Receive frequency coverage includes: 18-18.5 and 24.5-25 MHz. Power is …
Reviews For: ICOM IC-740 - eHam.net
The IC-740 has withstood the test of time and is still one of the best deals out there on the used equipment market as long as you can do without general coverage receive. But if you are looking for a very good performing amateur transceiver don't pass this one up.
IC-740 | 2001/01/01 - Icom America
IC-740; Instruction Manual Download. Model: IC-740: Document: Instruction Manual Note: File size: 3.87MB: About this Download Service. Icom Inc. would like to advise User's of the following regarding this download service for User Manuals and Service Manuals. If you agree to the following, push the AGREE button below to proceed.
ICOM IC-740, Desktop Shortwave Transceiver - RigReference.com
The ICOM IC-740 is an advanced transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters. Transceive frequency coverage includes: 1.8-2, 3.5-4, 7-7.3, 10-10.5, 14-14.35, 21-21.45 and 28-29.7 MHz. Receive frequency coverage includes: 18-18.5 and 24.5-25 MHz. Power is …
ICOM IC-740 INSRTUCTION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Icom IC-740 insrtuction manual online. HF ALL BAND TRANSCEIVER. IC-740 transceiver pdf manual download.
Icom IC 740 Radio Transceiver for sale online - eBay
For an early '80's HF transceiver, the IC-740 excels in performance compared to its contemporaries. Minus one star for lack of a general coverage receiver (likely the main reason why the radio had such a short production period).
Icom IC-740 (IC 740 IC740) transceiver mods reviews software …
5 days ago · PDF User Manual for Icom IC-740 (IC 740 IC740) :Icom IC-740 Instruction Manual PDF Adjusments Procedures Manual with schematics for Icom IC-740 (IC 740 IC740) : Schematics for Icom IC-740 (IC 740 IC740) : Mods for Icom IC-740 (IC 740 IC740) : Icom IC-740 (IC 740 IC740) FM-Unit EX242 zum (selber) nachbauen
Icom IC-740 HF CW SSB Transceiver Amateur Ham Radio 100W - Black - eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Icom IC-740 HF CW SSB Transceiver Amateur Ham Radio 100W - Black at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
IC-740 | 2001/01/01 | Icom Inc.
Icom is an outstanding, comprehensive radio manufacturer that produces radio communication equipment of all genres, from amateur radios to terrestrial, marine and avionics radios, as well as LTE, WLAN and satellite radios.