I2D: code for conversion of ISOTXS structured data to DTF and …
The I2D code converts neutron cross-section data written in the standard interface file format called ISOTXS to a matrix structured format commonly called DTF tables. Several BCD and binary output options are available including FIDO (ANISN) format.
manually registering OCX and DLL on Windows11
Jul 7, 2023 · The error can be because you are trying to register a 32-bit DLL or OCX file through 64-bit Regsvr32. You need to use the 32-bit Regsvr32 that is located in the Syswow64 folder. You can type the following command to register 32-bit DLL or OCX in a 64-bit operating system.
What is the correct way to free output buffer after call to openssl ...
Dec 16, 2016 · Short answer: OPENSSL_free must be used to free buf. Long answer: IMPLEMENT_ASN1_FUNCTIONS macro is expanded to definition of i2d_X509 function. The example below demonstrates that, put following source code into a source.c: After execution of gcc -E source.c the macro is expanded to:
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i2OCR is a free online Optical Character Recognition (OCR) that extracts text from images so that it can be edited, formatted, indexed, searched, or translated.
Calvelli’s biggest regret: New GPS ground system still non …
Jan 15, 2025 · OCX, under development by RTX Space (formerly Raytheon) for nigh on 15 years, is needed to allow some 700 weapon systems across the US military to fully access the encrypted M-code GPS signal...
GitHub - EasonChen99/I2D-Loc: Official code for "I2D-Loc: …
We trained and tested I2D-Loc on the KITTI odometry sequences 00, 03, 05, 07, 08, and 09. To obtain the whole LiDAR maps, we aggregate all scans at their ground truth positions. Then, we down-sample the LiDAR maps at a resolution of 0.1m.
openssl源码解读——i2d和d2i系列函数 - CSDN博客
Dec 22, 2016 · 经过上面的分析,我们已经很清楚了i2d和d2i系列的函数的定义和实现过程。 但对const ASN1_ITEM * name##_it(void)的实现还清楚。 下面说其实现过程:
d2i_X509 - OpenSSL Documentation
i2d_X509 () encodes the structure pointed to by x into DER format. If out is not NULL is writes the DER encoded data to the buffer at *out, and increments it to point after the data just written. If the return value is negative an error occurred, otherwise it returns the length of the encoded data.
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Inochi2D/i2d-imgui: D binding to c-imgui - GitHub
D binding to c-imgui. Contribute to Inochi2D/i2d-imgui development by creating an account on GitHub.