We offer three types of Hydrion Quaternary Test Papers that measure the concentration of quaternary ammonium compounds in food-industry sanitizer solutions: QT-10 is formulated for 2-chain quat compounds with measurements in the range of 0–400
Hydrion Quat Test Paper 0-400 PPM | Sanitizer Test Kit - Micro Lab
Hydrion QT-10 Quaternary Test Paper provides a simple, reliable, and economical means to measure the concentration of Quaternary Sanitizers, including n-alkyldimethylbenzyl and/or n-alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride.
pH Paper pH Strips | Urine & Saliva pH Test | Hydrion & pHydrion
Manufactured in the USA since 1934, Hydrion® pH Paper, Sanitizer Test Kits, pH Buffer Standards, and Specialty Test papers are trusted worldwide for their exceptional quality, reliability, and accuracy.
Hydrion Chlorine Dispenser 10-200 PPM | Chlorine Sanitizer Test Kits
Each carton contains 10 kits, each consisting of a 15-foot roll of test paper and matching color chart, plus 1 additional refill roll. Provides for approximately 2000 tests. CM-240 Flyer avalable for download.
Hydrion Single Roll Dispenser 10-12 | Hydrion Dispenser | Micro Lab
Our Hydrion pH test 10.0-12.0 roll has match points of [10.0][10.5][11.0][11.5][12.0]. Each carton contains 10 kits, each consisting of a 15-foot roll of test paper and matching color chart. Each kit provides enough paper for approximately 100 tests.
Hydrion Buffer Capsule 10.00 - microessentiallab.com
Hydrion Buffer Capsules are perfect for quick and easy pH meter calibration. When mixed with distilled or de-ionized water, a Hydrion Buffer Capsule will accurately produce 100 ml. of solution at pH 10.00. Hydrion Buffers are free flowing soluble powders that …
Frequently Asked Questions - microessentiallab.com
What is the difference between QT-10 and QT-40? Both kits are designed for the testing of quaternary ammonium based sanitizer solutions. The QT-10 test kit is designed to measure the concentration of 2-chain quaternary ammonium compounds.
Papeles de Prueba Cuaternaria Hydrion que miden la concentración de compuestos de amonio cuaternario en soluciones desinfectantes para la industria alimenticia: QT-10 es formulado para complejos cuaternarios de 2 cadenas con medidas en el rango de 0–400 partes por millón (ppm), QT-40 es para cuaternarios de 4 cadenas,
Hydrion (CM-240) Chlorine Dispenser 10-200ppm.
Hydrion Chlorine Test Paper provides a simple, reliable, and economical means to measure the concentration of free available chlorine in sanitizing solutions. With color matches at 10-50-100-200ppm, the test paper measures concentrations between 10-200ppm.
Hydrion MicroFine Disp. 10.2-12.3 - microessentiallab.com
This short-range Hydrion MicroFine pH Paper measures pH solutions in the alkaline range of 10.2-12.3 and offers clear bright single color matches at every .2 interval. Hydrion MicroFine pH Papers are ideally suited to testing minute amounts of solution, only requiring 0.0001ml.for an accurate measurement.