Magic 2G: Huss Park Attractions
The Magic has gotten even better with the latest updated version of this successful HUSS ® Original. With more power and a wide variety of movements – spins, lifts, rotations – riders …
Amusement Ride Supplier | Huss Park Attractions
Everybody has ridden a HUSS ® Ride, and there’s a HUSS ® Ride for everybody. We create, design, build, and support some of the most popular attractions for theme parks, amusement …
Creative: Huss Park Attractions
A HUSS ® attraction is so much more than an exciting, safe, and reliable ride. A combination of state-of-the-art engineering, quality theming and creative illumination elevates the attraction, …
Thrill Rides: Huss Park Attractions
Get Ready for an Extreme Experience These Mighty Machines are extraordinary in size and power, offering truly extreme thrill ride experiences for the truly brave of heart.
About Us: Huss Park Attractions
The first significant producer of flat rides in the world, HUSS ® is now one of the leading suppliers of rides and attractions to parks and fairs worldwide, with 65+ ride models and well over 1,000 …
Immersive Rides: Huss Park Attractions
Discover a Whole New World We’ve brought a new world of immersive multisensory environments and experiences to our most loved rides. The possibilities are endless, and the …
Magic 2G: Amusement Ride Supplier - Huss Park Attractions
Mit dem Magic verzaubern Sie Fahrgäste aller Altersgruppen. Jede Fahrt ist anders: Unvorhersehbare Beschleunigungen, spektakuläre Rotationen, aufregende Hubbewegungen, …
Contact: Huss Park Attractions
Huss Park Attractions GmbH Emil-Sommer-Str. 4-6 28329 Bremen | Germany Tel + 49 421 499 00 0 [email protected]
Company: Huss Park Attractions
Often Copied – Never Equaled We strive to earn the confidence a customer has in us when selecting a well-engineered and marketable ride that they know was built to last a lifetime – the …
Everybody has ridden a HUSS® ride, and there’s a HUSS® ride for everybody. They’ve been a staple in parks and fairs worldwide since 1970, creating memories for families and thrill …