Horde Camp - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
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Dustwallow Marsh - Zone - Classic World of Warcraft
An ideal zone to do for both sides after SM. Goes well with Badlands, as they have the same level range. Has lots of good quests for Alliance and Horde and has the Alliance Artisan First Aid trainer at Theramore Isle.
Western Plaguelands - Zone - Classic World of …
Although both zones are heavily affected by the Scourge plague, Western Plaguelands is faring a lot better than its sister zone, Eastern Plaguelands, as some remnants of fertile soil can be found around the areas of Chillwind …
Desolace - Zone - Classic World of Warcraft - Wowhead
In recent times Horde and Alliance have set up outposts in the desolate land, and only four of the five tribes control Desolace. Desolace is home to several characters of note. At Ghost Walker Post, Maurin Bonesplitter and Takata …
are there any horde bases encampments in wetlands?
Feb 18, 2010 · are there any horde bases encampments in wetlands? Topic Archived; Product Deals. See All. Amazon. $28.99 new $0.22 used. More Topics from this Board. Good RP …
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Camp Mojache - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of …
Camp Mojache is a tauren village in eastern Feralas overlooking the scenic Wildwind Lake. The camp straddles a swift-flowing stream that feeds the lake. Tauren refugees have started …
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Where to Find Hordes and Hordes Locations - Days …
Apr 25, 2019 · Hordes are giant groups of Swarmers. You can generally find them during the day resting in caves or other dark locations. At night they will move around as a group to their feeding grounds. Early...
Horde Camp - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the …
The Horde Camp is an undisplayed location at the Ogre Ruins on Exile's Reach. After the shipwrecked Horde members clear the area of the undead and defeat Torgok, they establish the Horde Camp by taking over an abandoned camp …
Western Plaguelands (Classic) - Wowpedia
Alliance players beware: Though there are Argent Dawn NPCs there, the Bulwark is a Horde encampment. Stay on the main road, do not pass into any of the camps. From the Hinterlands: …
where is the wsg vendor? - World of Warcraft - GameFAQs
Horde: "Mor'shan Base Camp is located just south of the Ashenvale-Barrens border and is home to the families of many Orcish warriors who are currently fighting for the Warsong to the north. It...