How to use nukes in HOI4 | Paradox Interactive Forums
Feb 7, 2017 · 1.) Build strategic bombers and nuke plants. You've done this one already. Your rockets are worthless for this, though. All nukes in HOI4 are plane-dropped. 2.) Station the bombers anywhere in range of the target. Since STRATs have a huge range, this is easy if you have any open slots in almost any airfield.
Nukes in HOI4 and how will AI use them - Paradox Interactive …
Aug 12, 2015 · If nukes are in, so should gas be (Italy used it in Africa, no other country to my knowledge though) IF NUKES ARE in the game. They shoulden't be that powerful either. If you hit a province you should do damage to units there of course, but not wipe them off the planet. Nukes arent that powerful. And they do not cover that large areas.
Nukes useless? - Paradox Interactive Forums
Sep 28, 2020 · Nukes are very small in the 40's - it was Hydrogen bombs that really boosted the yields from nukes. Nukes will kill military units they are dropped on & do infrastructure damage. I don't think anything in the game kills actual population due to Paradox's very strong rules about not modelling certain things in HOI4.
disable nukes - Paradox Interactive Forums
Jun 4, 2020 · Change: nuclear_reactor = {show_on_map = 1 base_cost = 15000 icon_frame = 13 nuclear_reactor = yes nuclear_production_factor = 1
Nuke... what do they do? | Paradox Interactive Forums
May 25, 2020 · Latest HOI4 resource history spreadsheet (HOI4v 1.14.8 BOLIVAR - Trial of Allegiance). Latest HOI4 province summary spreadsheet (HOI4v 1.14.8 BOLIVAR - Trial of Allegiance). Latest HOI4 province id map (HOI4v 1.15.0). Latest HOI4 state id map (HOI4v 1.15.0). Latest HOI4 1936 start legacy deployed destroyers (HOI4v 1.14.7 BOLIVAR base game)
Can nukes deal damage to military units? - Paradox Interactive …
Jan 18, 2016 · Well, I know that nukes in HoI4 will behave more climatically and cinematically than they would in real life, i.e most likely doing substantial damage to ground units, like how in Civ V the atom bomb will damage all units in a 2 tile radius. Now, realistically, I could not see a nuke doing much to any large ship unless it were a very close drop.
How do you produce nuclear bombs | Paradox Interactive Forums
Apr 3, 2020 · Latest HOI4 resource history spreadsheet (HOI4v 1.14.8 BOLIVAR - Trial of Allegiance). Latest HOI4 province summary spreadsheet (HOI4v 1.14.8 BOLIVAR - Trial of Allegiance). Latest HOI4 province id map (HOI4v 1.15.0). Latest HOI4 state id map (HOI4v 1.15.0). Latest HOI4 1936 start legacy deployed destroyers (HOI4v 1.14.7 BOLIVAR base game)
Disable nukes - Paradox Interactive Forums
Sep 18, 2022 · 1. Disable latter half of nuclear techs by changing research prerequisites in tech file. No research - no nukes. 2. Delete nuclear tech effects in the same file. No enabling of nuke production/nuclear reactors - no nukes. 3. Make a repeatable event for most likely nuclear powers which disables nuke mission with "type = disable_task" command.
How to avoid getting nuked? | Paradox Interactive Forums
Nov 13, 2015 · Nukes potentially dropped on provinces with large military forces aren't the only problem. The AI has the ability to stockpile to a limited extent and can drop 2 nukes in less that a month. I was a bit late obtaining bitter peace; not until end of summer 43.
Nukes do nothing? - Paradox Interactive Forums
Jun 4, 2016 · For example the area that was completely destroyed by the Hiroshima bomb was only 1 mile / 1.6 km. Armies in the field tend to be very dispersed. Meaning entire divisions being completely destroyed by WW2 era nukes was very unlikely unless the Germans catch an entire division out in the open during a parade or something.