Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians II (HOAC II)
The HOAC II offers a conceptual, patient-centred framework for physical therapists to use in the management of any type of patient. It addresses the five elements of patient management: examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and intervention.
Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians II (HOAC II): A Guide …
May 1, 2003 · The HOAC II, like the HOAC, can be applied to a patient regardless of age or disorder and allows for identification of problems by physical therapists when patients are not able to communicate their problems.
II (HOAC II) (FIGURE 1).37 The HOAC II describes a method for monitoring a plan of care and altering care when needed. The focus of the HOAC algo-rithm on patient-centered outcomes was an innovation which laid a foundation for the implementation of the algorithm in …
The Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians II (HOAC II
The original Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians (HOAC) provided clinicians and students with a framework for science-based clinical practice and focused on the remediation of functional deficits and how changes in impairments related to these deficits.
Clinical Reasoning for Classification and Diagnosis
The Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians II (HOAC-II) is a framework used by rehabilitation professionals to enhance clinical reasoning and decision making. It was developed to guide clinicians through a systematic process of patient examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and intervention planning.
Application of the HOAC II: An Episode of Care for a Patient With …
May 1, 2003 · The HOAC II is a patient management algorithm designed, in part, to provide a conceptual framework for patient management for any type of patient seen by physical therapists. This case report illustrates how the HOAC II can be used in clinical practice.
ICF and HOAC II: Two Conceptual Frameworks to ... - McGraw Hill …
The second framework that we will review in this chapter is the Hypothesis Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians (HOAC II). 3 This algorithm (or framework, if you like) has been in our literature under a previous name (HOAC) since 1986. 4 The original algorithm was introduced by Rothstein and Echternach in the following way:
Practical Use of the HOAC II for Clinical Decision Making and ...
Feb 1, 2011 · This case report describes the diagnostic process, based on the Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians II (HOAC II), and subsequent interventions in an elite athlete with subacute low back pain.
Practical use of the HOAC II for clinical decision making and ...
Feb 11, 2021 · Background: This case report describes the diagnostic process, based on the Hypothesis-Oriented Algorithm for Clinicians II (HOAC II), and subsequent interventions in an elite athlete with subacute low back pain. It also demonstrates the clinical application of the HOAC II and shows how disablement terms, as used in the World Health ...
Application of the HOAC II: an episode of care for a patient ... - PubMed
Background and purpose: The HOAC II is a patient management algorithm designed, in part, to provide a conceptual framework for patient management for any type of patient seen by physical therapists. This case report illustrates how the HOAC II can be used in clinical practice.