Hippias - Wikipedia
Hippias of Elis (/ ˈ h ɪ p i ə s /; Greek: Ἱππίας ὁ Ἠλεῖος; late 5th century BC) was a Greek sophist, and a contemporary of Socrates.With an assurance characteristic of the later sophists, he claimed to be regarded as an authority on all subjects, and lectured on poetry, grammar, history, politics, mathematics, and much else. [1] Most current knowledge of him is derived ...
Hippias (tyrant) - Wikipedia
Hippias (Ancient Greek: Ἱππίας, romanized: Hippías; c. 570 BC – 490 BC) was the last tyrant of Athens, ruling from 527 to 510 BC.He was one of the Peisistratids, a group of tyrants from the same family in ancient Greece.His father was Pisistratus, who preceded him as ruler of Athens, while his brother Hipparchus may have ruled jointly with him.
Hippias | Athenian Statesman, Philosopher & Exile | Britannica
Hippias was the tyrant of Athens from 528/527 to 510 bc. He was a patron of poets and craftsmen, and under his rule Athens prospered. After the assassination of his brother Hipparchus (514), however, Hippias was driven to repressive measures. An …
Hipias de Élide: quién fue, biografía, pensamiento ... - Lifeder
Jan 26, 2024 · Hipias de Élide (c.443 a.C.-c.399 a.C.) fue un sofista y polímata griego, contemporáneo de Sócrates y Protágoras. Se considera uno de los primeros matemáticos de los que se tiene información y es destacado por su gran aporte a la geometría al descubrir la ecuación de la cuadratriz.
Hippias Of Elis | Sophist, Rhetorician, Orator | Britannica
Hippias Of Elis was a Sophist philosopher who contributed significantly to mathematics by discovering the quadratrix, a special curve he may have used to trisect an angle. A man of great versatility, with an assurance characteristic of the later …
Hípias de Élis – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A maior parte das informações sobre Hípias são provenientes dos Diálogos [2] de Platão.Nestes conta-se que tinha uma boa memória e que era dado a se gabar por ser o sofista que mais dinheiro ganhou com suas aulas. Esses filósofos, ao contrário dos pitagóricos, costumavam cobrar por seu trabalho intelectual.. Hípias viveu tanto quanto Sócrates e por Platão chegaram até os dias de ...
Biografía de Hipias de Élide (Su vida, historia, bio resumida)
Dos diálogos de Platón, el Hipias mayor y el Hipias menor, exponen sus métodos y le retratan como arrogante, seco y sin humor.
Elias Hipias: biografia, pensamento filosófico e contribuições
Elias Hipias, filósofo grego do século V a.C., trouxe importantes reflexões sobre o conceito de beleza em suas obras. Para Hipias, a beleza não está apenas na aparência física, mas também na harmonia e proporção das partes de um objeto ou pessoa.
Hippias Major - Wikipedia
Hippias Major (or What is Beauty? or Greater Hippias (Greek: Ἱππίας μείζων, Hippías meízōn), to distinguish it from the Hippias Minor, which has the same chief character), is one of the dialogues of Plato, although its authenticity has been doubted.It belongs to the early dialogues, written while the author was still young. Its precise date is uncertain, although a date of c ...
Hipias de Élide: biografía, pensamiento filosófico y aportes - edu.lat
Hipias de Élide (siglo V a. C) fue un experto sofista y polímata de la Antigua Grecia. Se considera uno de los primeros matemáticos de los que se tiene información y es destacado por su gran aporte a la geometría al descubrir la ecuación de la cuadratriz. También es para algunos historiadores el “padre de la mnemotecnia”.