Handaxe & Finesse Property - Giant in the Playground Forums
Jun 22, 2020 · Use your smite bite to fight the plight right. Fill the site with light and give fright to wights as a knight of the night, teeth white; mission forthright, evil in flight.
D&D 5E Sneak Attack with a handaxe? - EN World
Jul 6, 2014 · Sneak Attack says: "The attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon." Does a handaxe with the properties Light, thrown (range 20/60) count as a ranged weapon for sneak attack (when thrown)? Not sure because its still under the melee weapon category and I think it uses a str mod not a dex mod...
D&D 5E Sneak Attack with a handaxe? - EN World
Jul 6, 2014 · Plague is correct. The Hand Axe is a Melee Weapon with the Thrown Property. Ranged Weapons (as a weapon type) are weapons that are designed only to be used at range. The Thrown Property does not grant the Ranged Weapon type, but does allow it to be used as a Ranged Attack. Since Rogue specifies Ranged Weapons, Hand Axe does not qualify.
D&D 5E No love for the hand axe? - EN World
Jun 23, 2015 · In AD&D, the list of weapons you could use in your off-hand was very short, just the dagger & hand axe, in 1e, IIRC, and not expanded much in 2e. Once weapon double-specialization came around, a pair of hand axes made your fighter into the cuisinart of doom. AD&D also featured a reasonably cool magical throwing ax, FWIW.
D&D 5E Shield in one hand, Axe in the other - EN World
Jun 17, 2015 · If the spell needs both S and M components, having one focus in hand or a free hand to access the components is fine. So clerics and paladins are OK because they can have the holy symbol on their shield. Other casters are kind of screwed.
5e Dueling and Thrown styles - Giant in the Playground Forums
Nov 21, 2021 · Axe 1 gets the benefit of the the thrown style. Per PHB this triggers two weapon fighting allowing a bonus action to be used to throw the 2nd axe, however the Fighter has an empty hand which now affords the option of throwing …
D&D 5E No love for the hand axe? - EN World
Jun 23, 2015 · If you are in a situation where you have to create a strong shelter, or are in the dead of winter where wood for a fire can be frozen, then typically an axe is preferable to a knife. But survival knives can handle a lot more jobs than axes can. Course, this is why many outdoorsmen take a knife, an axe, and/or a saw depending on what they are doing.
Dagger vs Handaxe for Throw and Stab - Giant in the Playground …
Aug 15, 2012 · Throw and Stab, however, doesn't care about that, so it only matters if 105% of the damage from a dagger exceeds 100% of the damage from a hand axe. So: 1.05(2.5+x)=3.5+x is the equation you want, where x is the break-even point for damage modifiers that don't come from the weapon's damage die; Hunter's Quarry and static modifiers, mostly. x ...
Battle Axe - Giant in the Playground Forums
Jan 25, 2015 · 1] The Battle Axe isnt the Hand Axe.Its based on big ol' dumb barbarian stereotype axes from Sterotopia 2] Ive seen the same special.It was very cool but dont take too much from it.Alot of things can be thrown it doesnt make them effective and the axe historically is not a very common weapon
Rogue, sneak attack with thrown handaxe? - Giant in the …
Jan 17, 2016 · well, not quite. being able to sneak attack with a weapon that qualifies for the polearm mastery feat could make sneak attack *really* easy to get on someone else's turn with a relatively low investment. and allowing it on a heavy weapon would mean that you could combine the two highest damage options in the game pretty much... something like 5 levels of barbarian or battlemaster fighter ...