The Big Chair – HaHaBird
The chair at SD Botanic Gardens that served as my inspiration. On a trip to California this February, my wife, son, and I visited the San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas. She was immediately taken with one of the installations there — an oversized adirondack chair.. I filed this attraction of hers away in my head, and like Roy in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, it …
First created in 1860, the Erlenmeyer flask has come to symbolize chemistry, and by extension science as a whole. I wanted to use that symbol to create an item of functional decor, and what better for that than a lamp, with the relationship between the light bulb and the “aha!” of an idea?
The Coloring Kit – HaHaBird
Home; Projects Thanks for stopping by. Below are some of the projects I’ve been working on. I’ll add more as I complete them, or when I fail spectacularly enough for it to be entertaining. Mustachioed Neckwarmers Two layers of fleece to keep you warm, and one awesome mustache to keep you cool. –read more– Giant Adirondack Chair Honey, I blew up the lawn furniture!
Nathan – Page 3 – HaHaBird
Home; Projects Thanks for stopping by. Below are some of the projects I’ve been working on. I’ll add more as I complete them, or when I fail spectacularly enough for it to be entertaining. Mustachioed Neckwarmers Two layers of fleece to keep you warm, and one awesome mustache to keep you cool. –read more– Giant Adirondack Chair Honey, I blew up the lawn furniture!
Nathan – HaHaBird
Home; Projects Thanks for stopping by. Below are some of the projects I’ve been working on. I’ll add more as I complete them, or when I fail spectacularly enough for it to be entertaining. Mustachioed Neckwarmers Two layers of fleece to keep you warm, and one awesome mustache to keep you cool. –read more– Giant Adirondack Chair Honey, I blew up the lawn furniture!
Snap Circuits Repair – HaHaBird
For my birthday a few months ago I got the SC-300 kit from Snap Circuits, and it’s been a great way to share electronics with my son as well as having fun myself. Overall, I really like the set, but my biggest complaint is that I’d like to see more explanations of the circuits, rather than just the assembly guide it has now.Why use a 100Ω resistor instead of 100kΩ?
Press - HaHaBird
Online Coder Turns Amazon Dash Button Into ACLU Donation Toolby Mary Emily O'Hara, NBC NewsFebruary 9, 2017 This Amazon Dash Button Donates $5 to the ACLU Whenever Trump Tries Your Patienceby Darrell Etherington, TechCrunchFebruary 8, 2017 How to Make an Amazon Dash Button That Gives the ACLU $5 Every Time You See Some
Bamboo Prototyping Board – HaHaBird
Home; Projects Thanks for stopping by. Below are some of the projects I’ve been working on. I’ll add more as I complete them, or when I fail spectacularly enough for it to be entertaining. Mustachioed Neckwarmers Two layers of fleece to keep you warm, and one awesome mustache to keep you cool. –read more– Giant Adirondack Chair Honey, I blew up the lawn furniture!
The Giant Spirograph | HaHaBird
Jul 29, 2014 · What’s eight feet across, has 90 teeth, and makes beautiful designs? Not a shark with an art degree, but this giant version of the classic Spirograph drawing toy. Chalk is the medium, and str…
Projects | HaHaBird
Moon Phase Purse. A small clutch that uses an EL panel and laser cut masks to show the phase of the moon.