LTA Seating Plan - HKUST
Seating Plan of LTA; O: N: M: L: K: J: I: H: G: F: E: D: C: B: A: O5 blocked O6 blocked 7: O8 CHAU Wang Fai Henry O9 Clement Ng and Family O10 ac_cwyiu Ernest WYCheung 1995 …
Title: LectureTheaters_&_Lift_Location_Oct2024_OL Created Date: 10/18/2024 11:22:22 AM
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study/L0 Ka Chung Building U oak sum YIP Kenneth Ll ConterenÈe.Lodge Staff Quarters 'Poo North Entrance North Busetation 3 Car park S H Ho …
Classroom & Lecture Theater Booking (Student) - HKUST
Apr 17, 2023 · 3. Bookings will be accepted only for activities which do not conflict with HKUST's objectives and interests. 4. Bookings will be accepted from student groups or organising …
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study/Lo Ka Chung Building Ll oak sum YIP Kenneth LI ConterenÈe.Lodge . Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Saya Lo Created Date:
Title: LTA_to_LTK_seat_Plan.xlsx Author: TK Created Date: 10/21/2022 1:58:52 PM
HKUST Campus Map 香港科技大學校園地圖 Citigroup Lecture Theater (LT-A) 花旗集團演講廳 Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LT-B) 林護演講廳 Padma and Hari Harilela Lecture Theater (LT-C) …
HKUST Seat Assignment
Please note that the actual seating plan is subject to change / modification due to the venue needs.
Title: LTA_to_LTK_floor_plan.xls Author: tklam Created Date: 10/17/2021 5:01:47 PM
Venue | 17th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium - HKUST
Lecture Theatre A and B (LTA and LTB) have the capacity of 400 or 300ppl, respectively. The opening/closing ceremony and keynote talks will be in the LTA and two parallel sessions will …