What is an HK P46? | HKPRO Forums
Oct 9, 2010 · The HK P46 (first called the UCP - Ultimate Combat Pistol) was/is a 4.6x30mm handgun firing the same family of ammo as developed for the HK MP7A1 PDW. The P46 designation was from the German Army who wanted the gun to …
What is an HK P46? | Page 5 - HKPRO Forums
May 15, 2002 · -I conducted NLT 200 live-fire demos and briefings on the gun, some well before most ever heard of the HK PDW and supported various US Govt tests and user evals on the system, to include the P46 pistol
Hk P46 ucp? | HKPRO Forums
May 28, 2008 · P46 Status I asked and learned at the IWA Show this year that it is still in development and the Germany Army is still interested. Likely be finished in 2009. A lot harder nut to crack then they thought originally due to the power of that 4.6x30mm cartridge.
What is an HK P46? | Page 3 | HKPRO Forums
Nov 3, 2007 · hkpro informational forums. hk handgun talk. what is an hk p46?
HK UCP (Ultimate Combat Pistol) P-46 | HKPRO Forums
Nov 6, 2007 · HK has the MP7 (sub-gun) and the UCP (pistol) both chambered in HK's 4.6mm round. Only thing is the MP7 isn't sold to civillians, so I doubt the UCP ever will be either. HK has stated they have no interest in bringing the 4.6mm round to the civillian market.
P46 Questions | HKPRO Forums
Jul 7, 2014 · The P46 is cool conceptually. Did they ever in fact produce a compact version of this? Also, in their testing did a P46 compact perform adequately? Reason...
HK License Plates Part 2: Random HK License Plates
Jan 2, 2023 · The HK P46 UCP was designed to be the handgun counterpart of the MP7. Both were chambered in 4.6x30mm. This was HK's response to the 5.7x28mm FN P90 PDW and Five-sevenN combo.
Old HK Webshop Pictures | HKPRO Forums
Mar 21, 2012 · I found a little interesting thing while I was surfing the webshop today. HK keeps most of the old items pictures on their server with an item number. If...
SOCOM and a new pistol. | HKPRO Forums
Jun 11, 2009 · Fact is they need to look at pistols and pistol ammo that can defeat modern Level III body armor like the Russian GS-18 and Gyurza, and the HK P46 or FiveSeven, due to the ever increasing discovery of modern soft and hard body armor around the world in unfriendly hands.
WTB: Hk P-46 ucp | HKPRO Forums
Apr 29, 2020 · Come join the discussion about HK pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more!