Heckler & Koch G36 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch G36 (Gewehr 36) is an assault rifle designed in the early 1990s by German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It is chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO, and replaced the heavier G3 battle rifle chambered in 7.62×51mm. [1] The G36 was accepted into service with the Bundeswehr in 1997. [2]
G36 - Heckler & Koch
With the G36 Performance Upgrade Kit, Heckler & Koch offers a user-oriented solution for increasing the personal deployment and defence capability. Only a few steps are necessary to upgrade the rifle. The result is a future-proof overall package for …
G36自动步枪系列简介 - 枪炮世界
这不是后来的G36,HK36是完全不同的武器,该项目是早期跨国先进战斗步枪(ACR)计划的一部分,不过,虽然与后来的G36没有血缘关系,但HK36还有两项设计被G36所继承,一是它的提把式光学瞄准镜,二是能左右转向的拉机柄。 由于经济上的原因,HK公司在1976年决定只继续另外一项ACR的设计,而把HK36计划束之高阁,而把精力投放到另一个ACR的设计——发射无壳弹的G11步枪这条死胡同里。 在联邦国防军对新枪的招标要求中,除了总重、弹药、射击精度、枪 …
How much better could the G36 be with a better trigger...
Dec 10, 2023 · I was watching a 1 to 5 drill video I found where the person shooting fielded off G36 variants (oldest to newest) vs the G95K as used by the KSK (G95 series is the same as the HK416 A7 and A8 models).
KSK 专用型 G36K - 枪炮世界
从下面的两张图片可以发现,最初的改进是利用取消了上瞄准具的出口型(G36KE)提把的顶部,在取消了上瞄准具的位置增加了一段皮卡汀尼导轨,用以安装其他类型的反射式瞄准镜,而下图中的G36K就是安装了美国EoTech公司的全息衍射瞄准镜(HDS)。 这种改进的提把上还保留了简易的后备机械瞄准具,提把前部有简单的准星,导轨中间有瞄准线的通道,导轨前有缺口式简易照门。 据说这种新的提把已经被应用于新的G36A2上,但G36A2上并没有使用HDS,而是采用 …
Heckler & Koch HK G36 - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The Heckler & Koch HK G36 series assault rifles were designed and developed in response to the demanding requirements of the German Army in the 1990s to replace the upcoming 7.62x51mm HK G3 series battle rifles - the standard service rifles of the German army at the time.
HK G36 Marking Compendium | HKPRO Forums
Dec 2, 2012 · G36K CQB - 15.4" barrel w/ gas block in the standard rifle-length location and the standard long handguard. The original came with a KAC G36CQB iron sight system as well. G36KE2 - This one is the regular G36K but with the KAC two piece iron sights and rail. G36KV - Export model K gun.
KSK:H&K G36 Family - The Trek BBS
It now carries the Bundeswehr designation G36. A first departure from the signature HK operating system, roller delayed blowback, the G36 is gas operated.
SAS Weapons - HK G36 - eliteukforces.info
The G36k is a carbine with a shorter barrel, designed for Special Operations forces such as the German KSK. An even shorter variant, the G36c, replaces the optical/red dot scopes with iron sights (although optics can be easily added to the weapon's rail).
Retro G36K Info/Pics - HKPRO Forums
Jan 16, 2022 · Come join the discussion about HK pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! I love seeing retro pics of the G36K. But I’m not sure what’s going on in this picwith the light/handguard. Can anyone help identify what that setup is? And more old pics of G36Ks in use in the wild would be appreciated.