MH/HH-60G Pavehawk modifications - ARC Discussion Forums
Dec 21, 2015 · A lack of available FLIR units meant that not all aircraft were equipped with them although they were fitted for it. In addition the “regular” Air Force HH-60s started to receive the BULLDOG defensive system upgrades in the late 1990s. From this point forward there would be no difference between the MH-60G and HH-60G.
Kitty Hawk HH-60G build -- Completed - ARC Discussion Forums
Apr 6, 2020 · One option as a modern HH-60G in overall AFSOC Gray and the other a slightly older (around 2003-ish) HH-60G in Euro-1 camo. Overall, it is very detailed and very complete. I plan on building mine as an early 2000s HH-60G in Euro-1 camo from the Alaska Air National Guard using Werner's Wings Skis on it. It will look something like below.
HH-60G - Helicopter Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Sep 13, 2019 · There is no forward or rear facing seat in the HH-60G. Sometimes a jump seat is installed behind the FE seats for emergency procedures training so an instructor has a seat but it is only home station and fairly rare.
HH-60G - MH-60L - Helicopter Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Dec 5, 2011 · Not really, the MH-60K and HH-60G have totally different nose radars and sensors on the nose and above the windscreen. The HH-60G is closer to an MH-60L. MH-60K. MH-60L. Block 152 HH-60G with "Snoopy-Nose" radar (centered on the nose) Many still have the offset, under nose radar and Block 152 Upgrades as well.
MH-60G / HH-60G - Helicopter Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
May 15, 2007 · Certain HH-60G units had the same (or most of them) mods that that the 55th SOS (MH-60G) had depending on the timeframe and what they were doing, for example my squadron had 4 FLIR sets before most (if any) other vanilla Pavehawk units had them.
HH-60G fast rope attachment - ARC Discussion Forums
May 6, 2020 · HH-60G fast rope attachment. rope; hh-60g; By DanW, May 6, 2020 in Helicopter Modeling. Share Followers 0. ...
MH-60G / HH-60G - Page 2 - ARC Discussion Forums
May 15, 2007 · The MH/HH-60G set has what this set has and more. 35006 / MH/HH-60G Update and detail set - Yes, get this set . While the black boxes that go between and behind the pilots need some scratch-building of extras to bring them up to date, OOB the set is still good for an HH-60G from the late 90s/early 00s, making this set is still a must-have ...
1/48 HH-60G Pave Hawk - Helicopter Modeling - ARC Discussion …
Apr 7, 2014 · Hi guys, Im planning on building a 1/48 HH-60G Pave Hawk using the Italeri MH-60K kit as a base. Id like to model it as used recently in Afghanistan (ive been watching Inside Combat Rescue and im hooked!) but ive noted the machines are different to the K model i have.
MH-60G/HH-60G - Helicopter Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Dec 14, 2010 · Here is my USAF HH-60G, Iraq, 2003 from Davis-Monthan AFB, NM, based on this helo. You can follow the build here, here, here and done. For the MH-60K, it is only used by the US Army's 160th SOAR (Special Operations Aviation Regiment). It is very different with a nose-mounted terrain-following radar and FLIR ball similar to a USCG HH-60J.
HH-60D/G/MH-60G - Helicopter Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Apr 13, 2010 · The only major differenc between the HH-60G and the MH-60G is the name, based on who they fell under. HH-60G under big AF and MH-60G under AFSOC. The aircraft has gone through many evolutions of different antenni, postions of nose radar, position and types of guns carried, and other smaller features over the years.