CCOHS: Hydrogen Sulfide
May 10, 2024 · Other Names: H2S, hydrogen sulphide, sour gas, sewer gas Main Uses: Manufacture of other chemicals; manufacturing processes; environmental contaminant; by-product of industrial processes. Appearance: Colourless gas. Odour: Rotten eggs. Sickening sweet odour at high concentrations. Can dull the sense of smell. Canadian TDG: UN1053
CHEMINFO: Hydrogen sulfide - CCOHS
Wet or moist H2S is corrosive to copper, brass, bronze, cast iron, types 1010 and 1020 carbon steel (100% concentration at temperatures of 21-65.5 deg C (70-150 deg F), lead, Monel and 400 series stainless steels.(61,74- 76) It has been reported that wet H2S can corrode carbon steel at corrosion rates that can exceed 2.5 mm/year, depending on ...
H2S, hydrogen sulphide, sour gas, sewer gas Main Uses: Manufacture of other chemicals; manufacturing processes; environmental contaminant; by-product of industrial processes. Appearance: Colourless gas. Odour: Rotten eggs. Sickening sweet odour at high concentrations. Can dull the sense of smell. Canadian TDG: UN1053
CCOHS: Occupational Hygiene - Occupational Exposure Limits
What are the occupational exposure limits? Back to top. In general, the occupational exposure limit (OEL) indicates the level of admissible exposure, for a length of time (usually 8 hours), to a chemical or physical hazard that is not likely to affect the health of a worker.
CCOHS: Respirators - Respirator Selection
Oct 31, 2024 · What are "immediately dangerous to life or health" (IDLH) considerations? Back to top. Some types of atmospheres place the worker in immediate danger because the concentrations of hazardous contaminant would impair the ability to leave the work area (self-rescue) or potentially cause irreversible health effects, serious injury, or …
CCOHS: Confined Space - Introduction
May 10, 2024 · The results of the tests for these hazards are to be recorded on the Entry Permit along with the equipment or method(s) that were used in performing the tests.
CCOHS: Temperature Conditions - Legislation
Feb 18, 2025 · What does the legislation state about temperature conditions at work? In some cases, legislation provides a range of acceptable temperatures for specific circumstances.
Converting Occupational Exposure Limits from mg/m³ to ppm
How do I convert mg/m 3 to ppm at different temperatures and pressures? Back to top. The number 24.45 in the equations above is the volume (litres) of a mole (gram molecular weight) of a gas or vapour when the pressure is at 1 atmosphere (760 torr or 760 mm Hg) and at 25°C.
Occupational Hygiene - Occupational Exposure Limits CCOHS. Threshold Limit Value – Short-term exposure (TLV-STEL):
Battery Charging - Industrial Lead-Acid Batteries CCOHS NOTE: This OSH Answers document provides general guidance