How do you gunzip a file and keep the .gz file? - Super User
The gzcat command is equivalent to gunzip -c which simply writes the output stream to stdout. This will leave the compressed file untouched. So you can also use: gunzip -c x.txt.gz >x.txt Note that on some systems gzcat is also known as zcat so run like this instead: zcat x.txt.gz >x.txt
linux - How do I gunzip to a different destination directory ...
Oct 29, 2014 · Ask gunzip to output to standard output and redirect to a file in that directory: gunzip -c file.gz > /THERE/file zcat is a shortcut for gunzip -c. If you want to gunzip multiple files iterate over all files: for f in *.gz; do STEM=$(basename "${f}" .gz) gunzip -c "${f}" > /THERE/"${STEM}" done
gzip - How do I gunzip a directory? - Super User
tar cf - directory | gzip -9c > foo.tar.gz Then copy this as before, then do the reverse: tar xzf foo.tar.gz If you're using SSH to transfer the files, you can skip the intermediate step of having a file to store and transfer:
gunzip - How do I decompress .bgz files? - Super User
Sep 18, 2018 · gunzip -c nnnnn.tsv.bgz > nnnnn.tsv Or: gzcat nnnnn.tsv.bgz > nnnnn.tsv This answer is come from github link.
What can be used to 'gzip' in Windows? - Super User
As mentioned in @djvg's answer, Windows includes tar since 2017. But those that are unwilling to install anything and wish to use gzip or gunzip to compress or decompress single files can create a System.IO.Compression.GZipStream object in PowerShell and compress or decompress by giving System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode as a parameter to it, as done in the two short functions published ...
gunzip - gzip: CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz: not in gzip format - Super User
Sep 13, 2019 · But when I try to gunzip it, it also said "not in gzip format". It turns out that my "file.txt.gz" is not archive of a file named "file.txt" that compressed into gzip, but just a text stream that not written to a file yet. The stream then directly compressed and later saved into a raw gzip without headers.
linux - Unexpected end of file. Gzip compressed file - Super User
gunzip -f the_name_of_the_file.gz I alsways get: gzip: the_name_of_the_file.gz: unexpected end of file The same problem happens when I try to extract the file using the GUI tool in Ubuntu or MacOSX, Any ideas?
gunzip -c equivalent for tar.gz files? - Super User
Jun 5, 2011 · What is the equivalent of gunzip -c to pipe the content of a bunch of tar.gz files without having to permanently "tar xzf" them and "tar czf" them back? Something like: tar xzf "-c" *.tar.gz | xargs
concatenation - gunzip multiple files and concatenate in parallel ...
gunzip -c file1.gz > final gunzip -c file2.gz >> final gunzip -c file3.gz >> final gunzip -c file4.gz >> final Can I do the same so that the gunzip processing of the different files is done in different CPUs in the multicore machine and they are concatenated all into the same final file?
gzip - Ungzip all gz files in Windows - Super User
I have many .gz files and I want to unzip all of them keeping their name and folder nesting. How can I do this with Windows? Does 7zip have functionality that could complete this?