Agouti - Wikipedia
The agouti (/ əˈɡuːtiː / ⓘ, ə-GOO-tee) or common agouti is many of several rodent species of the genus Dasyprocta. They are native to Central America, northern and central South America, …
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Dasyprocta punctata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El agutí centroamericano, también conocido como guaqueque (Chiapas), sereque (Península de Yucatán), 2 cotuza (El Salvador), guatín, ñeque (Colombia), ñeque (Panamá), jochi colorado, …
Central American Agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) - iNaturalist
The Central American agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) is a species of agouti from the family Dasyproctidae. The main portion of its range is from Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula …
Central American agouti - Wikipedia
The Central American agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) is a species of agouti from the family Dasyproctidae. [2] . The main portion of its range is from Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula …
Jun 27, 2017 · El Guatín o Guatusa es herbívoro, se alimenta principalmente de frutos de palma y otros árboles. El cortejo y reproducción del Guatín o Guatusa es de lo más curioso. Mucha …
Central American Agouti - Guatin - Colombian Animal - YouTube
Jul 25, 2019 · Central American Agouti - Guatín - Colombian Animal A large rodent that lives in Central America and northern South America, usually along waterways, the Guatín, or Central …
Agouti, Añuje or Guatusa (genus Dasyprocta spp.) - Del Amazonas
Aug 22, 2022 · The Agouti is a wild rodent mammal belonging to the genus Dasyprocta sp. that lives in the tropical rainforests of the Amazon region, whose game meat is highly prized in …
Guatín (Fauna y flora de la Reserva Natural La Esperanza) · iNaturalist
De esta forma, el guatín se convierte en uno de los más importantes dispersores de semillas grandes de los bosques neotropicales. Distribución: Desde el sur de México a Ecuador. En …
Guatin - GoChile
Visit Guatín, better known as Valle de los Cactus a few kilometers from San Pedro de Atacama. It is characterized by the abundance of cactus that surpass the 7 meters of height.