A short note on updating the Grilli and Yang commodity price index
The Grilli and Yang commodity price index is one of the most widely used commodity price series in the applied economics literature. This note provides some practical .
The Grilli and Yang commodity price index is one of the most widely used commod-ity price series in the applied economics literature. This note provides some practical advice on updating this data series by listing the base period index values, identifying relevant data sources, and describing a method for computing subindex weights.
When Grilli and Yang meet Prebisch and Singer: Piecewise linear …
Apr 1, 2014 · Over two decades ago, Grilli and Yang (1988) compiled primary commodity price indexes and tested the hypothesis put forward by Raúl Prebisch and Hans Singer. The so-called Prebisch–Singer hypothesis concerns the secular decline of the terms of trade of primary commodity prices relative to those of manufactured goods.
A readily computable commodity price index: 1900–2016
Dec 1, 2019 · The basic version of their index—Grilli-Yang Commodity Price Index (GYCPI), was base-weighted, where the weights were the 1977–79 values of world exports of each commodity. The idea was that the index reflected the movements of international prices of a given basket of primary commodities.
A Short Note on Updating the Grilli and Yang Commodity Price …
Feb 1, 2007 · The Grilli and Yang commodity price index is one of the most widely used commodity price series in the applied economics literature. This note provides some practical advice on updating this...
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World Bank Document
Enzo R. Grilli is Chief Economist, Economic Advisory Staff, the World Bank. Maw Cheng Yang is an economist in the Bank's International Economics Department.
A Short Note on Updating the Grilli and Yang Commodity Price …
The Grilli and Yang commodity price index is one of the most widely used commodity price series in the applied economics literature. This note provides some practical advice on updating this data series by listing the base period index values, identifying relevant data sources, and describing a method for computing subindex weights.
(PDF) Updating the Grilli and Yang Price Index - Academia.edu
The Grilli and Yang commodity price index is one of the most widely used commodity price series in the applied economics literature. This note provides some practical advice on updating this data series by listing the base period index values,
Williamson (2012) declared that the Prebisch{Singer announcement of secular decline of relative primary commodity prices was premature. Grilli and Yang (1988) built \a U.S. dollar index of prices of twenty{four internationally traded nonfuel commodities, beginning in 1900."
A readily computable commodity price index: 1900–2016
Dec 1, 2019 · Grilli and Yang (1988)’s seminal article presented a new U.S. dollar index of prices of twenty-four internationally traded nonfuel commodities, beginning in 1900. The basic version of their index—Grilli-Yang Commodity Price Index (GYCPI), was base-weighted, where the weights were the 1977–79 values of world exports of each commodity.