Do gray kittens turn black when they're older? | TheCatSite
Apr 3, 2006 · I hope my kittens stay gray Jun 3, 2006 #13 G. goldenkitty45 TCS Member. Top Cat. Joined Aug 29, 2005 ...
GRAY Mixed with ORANGE tabby Cat | TheCatSite
Apr 8, 2012 · She looks a LOT like some of the kittens from a litter I rescued several years ago who were brown torbie, aka brown patched tabby or if you want to get technical brown mackerel torbie or brown mackerel patched tabby (mackerel refers to them having the tabby stripes).
Kitten color - gray or brown tabby? | TheCatSite
May 15, 2024 · Kitten color - gray or brown tabby? Thread starter tonykitty; Start Date May 15, 2024; May 15, 2024 #1 T.
Apr 12, 2020 · Hi! I just joined the cat site because my 6 week old kitten, who I adopted last week, has grey stool all of a sudden. Her stool was brown and normal looking the first couple days, but now it is mostly grey with a bit of brown in it. No diarrhea thank goodness. I …
3 kittens, 2 days old, 2 not nursing | TheCatSite
May 16, 2014 · My kitty mickey had 4 kittens 2 days ago. 2 white kittens, and 2 gray kittens. One gray kitten was still born and the other is healthy and nursing all on its own. The 2 white kittens are struggling. They wont nurse off mom even with help. They arent latching. I …
Black kittens changing color/Gray tabby question | TheCatSite
May 3, 2016 · The kittens parents both seem like the average kitty, dad is blue/gray, stubby and has green eyes, mom is a tiny mackerel tabby with white spots and yellow eyes. Both DSH as far as I know. Possible the father could be a Russian Blue perhaps or a mix because he does have dark green eyes, but I doubt it.
Calico Cats – The Ultimate Guide - TheCatSite.com
Apr 27, 2023 · Calico cats have captivated cat lovers for millennia. People all over the world share their lives with these unique tri-colored felines, and many become avid fans of Calicos. If you're interested in calico cats, you've come to the right place. In this mega-guide, we're going to cover - What calico cats are The variations of […]
Two gray kitten adoption? | TheCatSite
Jan 27, 2017 · First of all, I am new to this site, so I apologize for any mistakes I make. Around October, three little gray kittens wandered over my neighbor's fence to visit my cat, who only experiences fresh air from a screened in porch. I started …
Can black cats have orange and grey kittens? | TheCatSite
Aug 20, 2008 · Its likely that the mom of these kittens is either a calico or a tortie. If you've never seen any calicos (white with black/red patches) then mom is a tortie - same thing but without the white. Blue is the dilute version of black, and both parents have to show it or carry it. Depending on if the red is a male or female:
Tabbies and Calicos | TheCatSite
Oct 21, 2003 · Can a tabby give birth to a calico kitten? I had a grey tabby living on my property that gave birth to three black kittens and two grey tabbies. I suspect the father was a black tom that prowls the neighbourhood. Now I have spotted a calico kitten and I …