Roman Republican Coins and Books by Andrew McCabe
Coins: 137-107BC, Tiberius & Gaius Gracchi, Crawford 234/310 Click on any photo to see that coin. Or click on the right-hand blue link to see the entire set.
The Gracchi Brothers and Social Reforms - Sulla Coins
Nov 26, 2020 · This coin was minted in 122 BC, by Q Miucius Rufus, Gaius Gracchus' second year in office. Gracchus championed more social reforms than his brother and his popularity and legislative agenda threatened the senate.
Gracchi brothers - Wikipedia
The Gracchi brothers were two brothers who lived during the beginning of the late Roman Republic: Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus. They served in the plebeian tribunates of 133 BC and 122–121 BC, respectively.
Pliny, Natural History, 33 (a) - attalus.org
Feb 10, 2020 · The first gold coin was struck 51 years later than the silver coinage, a scruple of gold having the value of twenty sesterces; this was done at 400 to the pound of silver, at the then rating of the sestertius.
0 comments - Sulla Coins
Apr 27, 2024 · This first coin was issued during the turbulent times of the Gracchi brothers, with unrest between the social reformers and the conservative elites what would ultimately be the undoing of the Roman republic. Several coins are shared …
Gracchus Denarius? - Forum Ancient Coins
Mar 7, 2021 · Recently I purchased an early denarius and I finally got around to identifying it. Wildwinds and Crawford both identify this particular denarius as a "Gracchus Denarius." What exactly does that mean? The Gracchi Brothers weren't born until after this coin stopped being minted, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a city or town called "Gracchus."
Roman Republican Coins and Books by Andrew McCabe
This is an educational site about Roman Republican coins and related books, and this page provides links to over two thousand coins, illustrated and described, including a complete history of Roman Republican Coinage,, and links to webpages where you can read reviews of hundreds of books and articles about the coins and their history.
Research Coins: The Coin Shop - cngcoins.com
Roman Series: The Sedition of the Gracchi/The War Against Jugurtha. By J. Dassier and sons. Dually-dated 619 and 647 AUC (135 and 107 BC) [issued mid-18th century] .
T. Veturius Gracchi f. Sempronius – Quadrans (137 BCE)
T. Veturius Gracchi f. Sempronius. Denomination: Quadrans. Date: 137 BCE. Material: Bronze. Size (mm) 18. Shape: Round. Mint: Rome
coin | British Museum
RR1 / Coins of the Roman Republic in the British Museum: vol. 1 aes rude, aes signatum, aes grave, and coinage of Rome from B.C. 268. (4317, p.594) PCR / Principal coins of the Romans: Volume I: The Republic c. 290 - 31 BC; Volume II: The Principate 31 BC - AD 296; Volume III: The Dominate AD 294 - 498.
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