HK45 - IOP Wiki
Sep 19, 2024 · The HK45 was designed to meet requirements set forth in the U.S. Military Joint Combat Pistol program which had the purpose of arming the U.S. Military with a .45 ACP semi-automatic pistol instead of the 9mm M9 pistol.
HK45 - Heckler & Koch
The HK45C is the compact class of the HK45 family. It differs mainly in size, but not in handling. The frame of the HK45C has a smooth but easy-to-grip contoured texture to ensure a high level of safe gripping.
Gr HK45 - IOP Wiki
Jul 12, 2019 · We are searching for new editors to keep track of Girls' Frontline 2 content, as well as veteran players to complete the data of Girls' Frontline and Project Neural Cloud characters. You can contribute without an account. Learn how to contribute and join our Discord server. This page was last edited on 12 July 2019, at 00:03.
Gr HK45 - ドールズフロントライン (ドルフロ)【少女前線】 Wiki*
また、「前列に配置できる火力バフHG」という括りで考えると、 Gr Mk23 、 グリズリー 、 K5 、 コンテンダー とライバルが多いのも逆風だろう。 味方全体に火力15%/命中10%を付与する。 無難に使いやすいスキルであり、陣形バフと合わせてDPSへの寄与度もなかなか良い。 ただし命中バフがある代わりに火力バフの倍率は★2 ブレン・テン よりも低い。 そのため、夜戦でARに火力バフを盛って装甲兵を強行突破するような場合は、他の火力バフHGに比べて優先度が …
HK45 - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
The HK45 uses an HK proprietary O-ring barrel for precise barrel-to-slide lockup and optimal accuracy. HK45 barrels are made using the famous HK cold-hammer forging process for superior performance.
GR Series (rare) | HKPRO Forums
Oct 13, 2020 · The GR Series of HK rifle and Machine Gun variants are quite rare. So rare in fact, that I don't believe that they are in production in any significant quantity. They are variants of other existing guns like the HK23E, as well as variants of the HK33 and 53 series.
HK45 - GFL Universe's Wiki | Fandom
Gr HK45 Growth (A) Normal. Damaged. Health (B) 35 → 330 Damage (S) 13 → 34 Evasion (A) 11 → 80 Accuracy (S) 8 → 58 Movement Speed 15 Rate of Fire (B) 38 → 55 Critical Rate critrate Critical Damage critdmg Supply Consumption NO.167 Ammunition 10 → 30
Drop rate for Gr HK45? : r/girlsfrontline - Reddit
Jan 21, 2021 · From what I know she can be found in one of the missions for the Deep Dive campaign, but shares her "limited drop" status with two other 3-star T-Dolls. Considering the fact that my Rescue Fairy's skill is maxed out, how many runs would I …
【ドルフロ】Gr HK45のスキル性能と製造レシピ【ドールズフロ …
Sep 20, 2024 · gr hk45は、アストラやm950aと同じ形の陣形範囲と味方全体の火力/命中を上昇するスキルが特徴。グリズリーやk5など、陣形で火力バフを持ったライバル全員が強力であるため、起用場面が少ないのがネック。 gr hk45の基本情報
HK45 (Girls' Frontline) - NamuWiki
Feb 6, 2025 · It's one of the few pistols that can give a firepower buff to back-to-mid-line AR or RF when in a cross-line. When deployed in the form of HK45-Grizzly-Mk23, 98% firepower increase in mid-row is possible only with formation buffs.