Base64 and IRC and GPG, this is BIG! - Stuy Linux
Installing GPG and a key. GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a FLOSS implementation of the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) standard, which uses pairs of public keys and private keys to encrypt and authenticate secure messages. To install the GPG suite on Alpine, run. apk add gnupg
Unveiling the World of Internet Relay Chat (IRC): A Journey
Nov 22, 2023 · the command fetches a Docker GPG public key from a URL, converts it into a binary format, and saves it as /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg. This key can then be used by the APT package...
IRC with SSL and OTR Encryption - Antonio Gioia
This article shows how to properly configure the open-source IRC client Irssi to achieve an encrypted connection between your client and the server you connect to, and even more importantly, between you and the people you chat with.
gpg - How do I remove passwords and usernames from my emacs …
Today I posted my IRC pw's and had to immediately reset. Instead of hardcoding un/pw's in my .init file, can I use some elisp to reference a .gpg dir/file elsewhere? Have you looked into using authinfo/netrc and storing your machine settings in a different location on your hard drive?
GPG and IRC / Applications & Desktop Environments ... - Arch …
May 24, 2013 · IRCs tend to be public. Why would you want to them to be encrypted? You could use Tor to hide your location and identity tough.
Feb 12, 2019 · gpg --verify irssi-1.2.0.tar.xz.asc (This key is different from the one used to sign binaries of versions before 0.8.10. More gpg help can be found from GPG manual)
How to make Irssi automatically send a message to a username …
Jan 19, 2021 · I want Irssi to automatically message NickServ with the message "CONFIRM <PASSWORD HERE>" whenever I connect to irc.rizon.net, and I want it to get the password from a gpg-encrypted file. How could I accomplish this?
8 Best IRC Clients for Linux in 2024 - Tecmint
Jan 11, 2024 · An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client is a program that a user can install on their computer and it sends and receives messages to and from an IRC server. It simply connects you to a global network of IRC servers and enables one-on-one and group communication.
FreeIRC Wiki | Pgp / Create
$ gpg --list-signatures Send key to keyserver: $ gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys DD88244CA9988FAB Search keys on the server: $ gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --search-keys "[email protected]" Receive key: $ gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys DD88244CA9988FAB Sign your file: $ gpg --detach-sign photo.png
All about GPG, the GNU Privacy Guard - Reddit
How to properly encrypt and decrypt files in GPGFrontend? I installed GPGFrontend: https://www.openpgp.org/software/misc/gpgfrontend/ I used the built-in file browser to load a file, then encrypted it. However, when decrypted, it saves itself as a UTF-8 encoded text file (it was a binary file originally) and thus fails to open with its proper app.