4) "GOYAM KAVI" (ගොයම් කවි) - SIYAPATHA
"Goyam kavi" in Sinhala. (ගොයම් කවි) රන් දෑ කැති ගෙන නිති සැරසෙනවා .... රන් වන් පටි ... වට දිලිසෙනවා ..... හිරු දුටු පිනිබිඳු ලෙස පහවෙනවා .... දුම්බර කෙතේ අපී ගොයම් කපනවා ........ උදේ ඉඳන් වකුටු කොන්ද දිග හැරපල්ලා.... අතේ තියෙන ගොයම් මිටිය බිම දමපල්ලා ..... හිසේ තියෙන ලේන්සු පොදිය අතට ගනිල්ලා ...... සතර වරම් දෙවි පිහිටය් …
ගොයම් කවි | goyam kavi - YouTube
Dec 3, 2020 · #goyamkavi #folkmusic #ගොයම්කවි #ජනගීසාමාන්ය පෙළ හා උසස් පෙළ විභාගයේ ප්රායෝගික පරීක්ෂණය සඳහා ජන ගායනා.........................................................
ජන කවි (Folk songs and poems in Sri Lanka): ගොයම් කවි / goyam kavi
Apr 8, 2018 · "Sinhala Jana Kavi" is the inheritable culture to Sri lanka. There are pal kavi, karatta, nelum, goyam, nalavili, paru, pathal, onchili, kamath, raban pada, and many more jana kavi in this blog.
Details for: ගොයම් කවි සහ නෙළුමි කවි › University of …
Title transliterated: Goyam kavi saha nelum kavi DDC classification: 891.48108 D24 Item type: Lending Books
ගොයම් - විකිපීඩියා
ගොයම් (ඉංග්රීසි: Oryza sativa, Asian rice, Rice) යනු වී ගස හැඳින්වෙන නාමයයි.
Paddy Cultivation in Sri Lanka | Traditional Agriculture Practices of ...
Paddy was harvested when they turn light gold in color. Farmers would harvest their crop together while singing ‘Goyam Kavi’. The harvest is temporarily stored in the Kamatha (threshing floor) before it is taken home.
Goyam Gaha | A Bunch of Dried Paddy | Traditional Farming in Sri …
A bunch of dried paddy is called goyam gaha in Sri Lanka. The charming agricultural heritage of Sri Lanka is truly quite interesting. You can read more about it on this page.
It is the rice plant. [In Sinhalese, goyam gaha.] When living and growing, the rice plant is goyam. When the field is mowed and the dry plant has become straw, it is pidhooroo. The seed before it is husked is vee. The husk is called dhahayiyah. The kernel, that is, the grain inside the husk, is hahl. The same grain, boiled for eating, is called ...
Goyam Gala (@goyamgala) • Instagram photos and videos
617 Followers, 586 Following, 256 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Goyam Gala (@goyamgala)
Korea Gasa Literature Collection (한국가사문학관) : VISITKOREA
There are 11,461 artifacts and literature on Gasa culture, 18 Gasa works, and 15,000 books about Gasa. The Gasa Literature Collection was completed in October 2000 and is located in Damyang, Jeollanam-do, an area which is famous for its fertile land and rich historical heritage.