Mount Gongga - Wikipedia
Mount Gongga (simplified Chinese: 贡嘎山; traditional Chinese: 貢嘎山; pinyin: Gònggá Shān), also known as Minya Konka (Khams Tibetan: མི་ཉག་གངས་དཀར་རི་བོ་, Khams Tibetan pinyin: Mi'nyâg Gong'ga Riwo) and colloquially as "The King of Sichuan Mountains", is …
贡嘎山 - 百度百科
贡嘎山(岷雅贡嘎,英语:Minya Konka),为横断山系大雪山主峰,被当地人称为木雅贡嘎 [10]。 位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市、泸定县、九龙县和雅安市石棉县之间。 藏语的“贡”是冰雪之意,“嘎”为白色,意为白色冰山。 贡嘎山主峰海拔7508.9米(2023年公布 [18]),是四川省最高的山峰,被称为“蜀山之王”,为世界上高差最大的山之一。 周围有海拔6000米上的高峰45座 [6-9] 贡嘎山北起康定 折多山 口,南抵泸定田湾河东到大渡河西至雅砻江。 以贡嘎雪山为中心的 …
贡嘎山 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
贡嘎山 (藏語: མི་ཉག་གངས་དཀར་རི་བོ་,康方言拼音方案: Mi'nyâg Gong'ga Riwo)是位于 中国 四川省 甘孜藏族自治州 康定市 、 泸定县 及 雅安市 石棉县 之间的一座 山。 一般认为,贡嘎山指的是一个包含了若干座山峰的 山块;狭义上则特指其中的 最高峰 木雅贡嘎山(或直称贡嘎山, 英语:Minya Konka,或 汉语拼音:Gongga Shan)。 2023年10月, 中国自然资源部 公布贡嘎山高程数据为7508.9米 [2][3]。 贡嘎山坐落在 长江 的两条一级支流—— 雅砻江 与 大渡河 之间的 大 …
Mount Gongga, Garze, Sichuan China | Monya Konka
Mount Gongga, or called Minya Konka or Gongga Shan, is the King of Sichuan Mountains since it is the tallest mountain in Sichuan of China. Check Gongga altitude, attractions & trekking routes here!
Mount Gongga | mountain, China | Britannica
Mount Gongga, highest peak of the Daxue Mountains, west-central Sichuan province, southern China. It rises to 24,790 feet (7,556 metres) with a snow line at about 18,000 feet (5,500 metres). Its terrain features a complex of glaciers, grasslands, and alpine pastures.
西部和长江中上游生态功能区、天然温泉富集的地方。 贡嘎山冰川. 海螺沟冰川,是我国著名的冰川公园,拥有众多冰川奇观。 其中的大冰瀑布高宽均达 1000米以上,尤为壮观。 生物种群类型多样. 保护区内属于国家一级保护动物的有川金丝猴、大熊猫、雪豹、白唇鹿等9种;国家一级重点保护野生鸟类有四川雉鹑、绿尾虹雉等6种;国家一级重点保护植物有红豆杉、南方红豆杉、独叶草3种。 贡嘎山. 旗云奇观最频繁的雪峰. 地理位置29'—102°12',北纬29°01'—30°05'之间。 总 …
Sichuan Gonggashan (Mount Gongga) Travel Guide, Best Minya …
Gongga Shan(Minya Konka) is the highest mountain of Sichuan province. Learn the essential travel information about Gonggashan, including transportation, attractions, weather, as well as recommended tour packages.
Mount Gongga in Garze Sichuan, Minya Konka - TravelChinaGuide
Jul 12, 2022 · Mount Gongga is located in the middle section of the Hengduan Mountains, and is the highest mountain in Sichuan with its peak of 7,556 meters (about 24,790 feet) above sea level.
Mount Gongga – SMG - Sichuan
Mount Gongga is also named Miinya Konka, or Gongga Shan. It means A Tall White Mountain in Tibetan. It is the highest mountain in Sichuan and in Minya Konka Massif in Daxue Shan Range. Its elevation is 7556 meters above sea level. It locates in Garze Prefecture south to the Tibetan town Kangding in western Sichuan.
Mount Gongga - Chinese Attractions
It stands at 7,556 meters above sea level, making it the highest peak in mainland China and one of the world's renowned "Seven Great Peaks". Specific Location: It is situated at the junction of Kangding, Liding, and Shimian counties, belonging to the Hengduan Mountains on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.