Golenkinia - Wikipedia
Golenkinia is a genus of green algae first described in 1894 by Robert Chodat. [1] The genus is named for the Russian phycologist Mikhail Iljitsch Golenkin. [2] Golenkinia species live in fresh water (including bodies of black water such as Winyah Bay) …
Golenkinia - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Golenkinia Chodat (Fig. 14C) Cells are spherical, solitary, and free-floating, long, and have slender, tapering spinelike setae covering the outer wall. Sometimes cells form a “false colony” by interlocking the setae.
Growth of large-cell and easily-sedimentation microalgae Golenkinia ...
Jul 1, 2018 · Golenkinia SDEC-16 is desirably of large size and high biomass yield. Golenkinia SDEC-16 is suitable for biofuel production and wastewater treatment. One of the key processes to achieve the goal of microalgae-based biofuel production is to …
Biological characterization of a strain of Golenkinia …
Jul 1, 2018 · In this study, Golenkinia presented 0.78 d −1 and 0.83 g L −1 of growth rate and biomass concentration, respectively, in batch culture, without optimization of culture media and operation regimes.
Golenkinia radiata - Real Micro Life
Phylogenetic tree: Golenkinia radiata Diagnosis: solitary cells; cells spherical, 10 – 18 µm diameter; covered by < 20 spines, each 25 – 65 µm long; cell surrounded by mucilaginous envelope; chloroplast bell- or cup-shaped; one pyrenoid; asexual reproduction by 2, 4 …
Regulation of Chlorophyll Synthesis in the Green Alga Golenkinia
Oct 3, 2016 · Chlorophyll synthesis in Golenkinia is inhibited 10-fold by growth in darkness on acetate or by growth on elevated concentrations of acetate in the light, particularly if the growth medium contains low levels of nitrogen.
(Golenkinia) - Botanical Realm
Sep 5, 2024 · Golenkinia is a lesser-known genus that offers intriguing insights into the world of plants. While the name might not be as familiar as more commonly
Multi-faceted effects of NaCl on salt-tolerant microalgae Golenkinia …
This study was first to reveal the salt-tolerance mechanism of Golenkinia sp. SDEC-16 by investigating the growth and metabolism under different salinities and high salinity long-term cultivation. SDEC-16 can survive under high salinity and …
Campus Sewage Treatment by Golenkinia SDEC‐16 and Biofuel …
In this study, Golenkinia SDEC-16, a strain isolated for biofuel production, was evaluated to verify its potentials for campus sewage treatment and lipid accumulation under the red, green, and blue lights.
Heuristic Optimization of Culture Conditions for Stimulating …
Feb 21, 2020 · This study sought to heuristically optimize the culture conditions on a rarely reported Golenkinia sp. The results indicate that Golenkinia SDEC-16 can withstand the strong light intensity and grow in a modified BG11 medium.