Guldo - Dragon Ball Wiki
Guldo (グルド Gurudo, lit. "Ghurd") is the smallest and least physically powerful member of the Ginyu Force. Guldo possesses some psychic abilities, including being able to stop time for as …
Guldo - Villains Wiki
Guldo a minor antagonist of the Namek Saga of Dragon Ball Z. He is small, froggish and has four eyes and one of the Ginyu Force who work for Frieza. Unlike Recoome, Burter, Jeice and …
Guldo | Team Four Star Wiki | Fandom
Guldo (グルド, Gurudo) is a short, green-skinned alien and is the smallest (and weakest) member of the Ginyu Force. Unlike his comrades, Guldo possesses some psychic abilities, including …
Guldo Voices (Dragon Ball) - Behind The Voice Actors
Voiced most times by Greg Ayres, Yasuhiro Takato. Images of the Guldo voice actors from the Dragon Ball franchise.
Guldo - The Character Database
Aug 12, 2024 · Guldo (グルド Gurudo, lit. "Ghurd") is the smallest and least physically powerful member of the Ginyu Force. Despite his lack of physical strength, Guldo possesses unique …
Guldo - VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Guldo (グルド) is a supporting antagonist in the Dragon Ball manga, and the anime Dragon Ball Z. He is the smallest and least powerful member of the Ginyu Force, physically. Guldo possesses …
Guldo (Dragon Ball Z) - MyAnimeList.net
Guldo is the smallest and least powerful member of the team physically. Though clearly the weakest member of the group, Gurd possesses some psychic abilities, including being able to …
Guldo - Dragon Ball Updates Wiki
Guldo (グルド, Gurudo; lit. "Gurd") is the smallest and least powerful member of the Ginyu Force physically. Guldo possesses some psychic abilities, including being able to stop time for as …
Guldo | Universal Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Guldo (グルド 'Gurudo', lit. "Gurd") is the smallest and least physically powerful member of the Ginyu Force. Guldo possesses some psychic abilities, including being able to stop time for as …
Guldo - Dragonballz Wiki | Fandom
Though clearly the weakest member of the group, Guldo possesses some psychic abilities, including being able to stop time for as long as he can hold his breath. This seems to be one …