Goku - Fight Profile - Dragon Ball Guru
Early in his fight career Goku was a scrappy brawler, who relied on his strong constitution to win fights. But he later learnt to incorporate Ki attacks with his natural physical style, mixing up approaches to try and overwhelm opponents.
World Martial Arts Tournament | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
In the 22nd and 23rd World Tournament, the one who beat the champion from the last tournament in the semi final match became champion: Tien beat Jackie Chun, the winner of the 21st, and Tien became champion that year, and Goku beat Tien …
How Many Fights Has Goku Won and Lost? • Kanzenshuu
Jul 4, 2015 · Example: Mike Tyson 50 - 6 (50 wins to 6 losses). What would Goku's record be? First thing needed to solve this is a list of every one of his manga fights, along with the result. To make things simpler, we'll only include shown fights, and fights against opponents who posed a threat or were assumed to pose a threat.
Dragon Ball: Every Character Who’s Won A Tournament In The …
Jan 1, 2021 · Winning the Tenkaichi Budokai – otherwise known as the World Martial Arts Tournament in the Funimation dub – was Goku’s dream early on in Dragon Ball. After losing the 21st and 22nd renditions of...
Tournament of Power | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Gohan, Tien, Krillin, Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta also fought in the Cell Games, while Goku, Piccolo, and Vegeta also participated in the tournament between Universe 6 and Universe 7. Additionally, Goku, Tien, and Master Roshi are all former World Tournament champions, while Gohan is the true winner of the Cell Games.
Dragon Ball: Every Tournament In The Franchise (& Their Winner…
Oct 1, 2020 · After spending three years training with God, Goku enters the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai more determined than ever. He may be facing off against the reincarnation of his greatest foe yet– Piccolo– but Goku holds firm in his desire to not just save the world from the Demon King reborn, but win the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai fair & square.
Goku Vs. Saitama: Who Wins? - CBR
Apr 4, 2024 · Many fans have debated how a fight between Dragon Ball's Goku and One-Punch Man's Saitama would go, with valid points for each side.
Dragon Ball: Every Z-Warrior Who Has Won A Tournament (& Which Ones)
Mar 16, 2021 · Goku, who has participated in more tournaments than any other Dragon Ball character, has only won one. After losing both the 21 st and the 22 nd, the Saiyan got his first and only championship in the 23 rd World Martial Arts Tournament by fighting his way through King Chappa, Chi-Chi, Tien, and finally, Piccolo.
Goku Win/Loss record compared to Vegeta : r/dragonball - Reddit
I was always interested in how did Goku W/L record compare with Vegeta. For this I will just use Z/Super battles only. Goku. -Loss vs Raditz. -Win Vs Nappa. -Win Vs Vegeta. -Win Vs Recoome. -Win Vs Jeice/Burter. -Loss Vs Ginyu. -Win vs Frieza. -Loss vs Android 19. -Loss Vs Cell. -Win Vs Yakkon. -Tie Vs Majin Vegeta. -Tie Vs Fat Buu.
Final Match: Goku vs. Tien | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Who is the World's Greatest Martial Artist?! "Final Match: Goku vs. Tien" (決 けっ 勝 しょう!! はたして 武 ぶ 道 どう 天 てん 下 か 一 いち は!? Kesshō!! Hatashite Budō Tenka'ichi wa!?, lit. "The Finals!! Who is the World's Greatest Martial Artist?!") is the fourteenth episode of the Tien Shinhan Saga and the ninety-seventh episode in the Dragon Ball series.