Goku's Gi Logos/Symbols - Kanzenshuu
Jan 13, 2014 · Re: Goku's Gi Logos/Symbols Post by Kendamu » Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:06 am Maybe by that point he's just gone so far completely beyond the concept of individual styles that he wears the orange uniform out of respect for his past teachers, but no kanji to show that he is beyond individual styles.
Evolution of Goku's Gi Colours - Kanzenshuu
Feb 27, 2017 · The colour of Goku’s gi, as well as that of the Turtle School, is an interesting topic because Toriyama didn’t concern himself with figuring out what exactly the colours should be. This meant that in his full colour “key art” (ie individual, non-panelled artwork), he would often use different colours based on what felt best to him at ...
Goku's Gi orange or red? - Kanzenshuu
Feb 10, 2016 · Goku's gi is intended to be a yellowish orange, like the robes that Xiaolin monks wear. However, the anime, particularly the first one, colored it red. I might be mistaken, but I believe even Toriyama was somewhat annoyed by this.
Goku's Gi - Kanzenshuu
Jan 6, 2006 · If you flip back a little bit in that same Kanzenban with Gohan's green outfit (volume 16), you'll see the true colour of Goku's gi on pages 48-50, and 62-64. The rest of the pages with the pink gi are technically incorrect.
What's the real color of Goku's first gi? • Kanzenshuu
Jan 9, 2014 · IIRC Gohan's Piccolo gi became green in one colored chapter and Piccolo's belt changes color now and then even though it's usually red, so I can buy the turtle outfit being consistently enough orange. Goku's first gi for some reason is always depicted as dark in B&W but randomly becomes orange outside of very early chapters.
Goku's pants in DBGT • Kanzenshuu
Nov 9, 2004 · Unless you're thinking of the 10th anniversary movie, in which case he started out wearing his original gi, which then... magically morphed into his GT gi 10 minutes into the movie. Last edited by The Tori-bot on Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Shouldn't Vegetto have had armor? - Kanzenshuu
Apr 27, 2017 · Vegetto's blue gi was Goku's design with Vegeta's color palate (from the Buu arc) - not just a random recolor. Everything is meant to be a combination of the two characters down to the hair style. The gloves & boots were all Vegeta, the cut of the clothes all Goku, the colors a combination of the two.
Favorite to Least Favorite Stage of Gohan: Analysis and Ranking
Aug 28, 2021 · Gohan at this point made a huge impression on me when I first watched these episodes in the anime as a kid. It was striking seeing Gohan wearing Goku's gi again, and his eyes were sharper. The sight of Gohan walking boldly toward Buu, much akin to Goku walking toward Nappa, was stunning.
What is your favorite gi for Son Goku? • Kanzenshuu
May 24, 2018 · At third place, there is the "Go Kanji Gi" with the non ribbon belt from Battle of Gods/DB Super Anime. Its just the "Cell/Buu Arc Gi" with Kanji, but I prefer it that way, way more. Sadly this Gi didn´t apear in the original Series. The fourth place would be a tie between the "Beginning, End of DB & GT Gi".
What does the symbol mean? (Back of Goku's gi) • Kanzenshuu
Nov 13, 2008 · (Back of Goku's gi) Discussion, generally of an in-universe nature, regarding any aspect of the franchise (including movies, spin-offs, etc.) such as: techniques, character relationships, internal back-history, its universe, and more.