Godwit - Wikipedia
Godwits are a group of four large, long-billed, long-legged and strongly migratory waders of the bird genus Limosa. Their long bills allow them to probe deeply in the sand for aquatic worms …
Marbled Godwit Identification - All About Birds
Shorebirds have some of the most interesting bill shapes and the Marbled Godwit is no exception with its swordlike bill. It plunges its two-toned, long, and slightly upturned bill deep into sand …
Bar-tailed godwit - Wikipedia
The bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica) is a large and strongly migratory wader in the family Scolopacidae, which feeds on bristle-worms and shellfish on coastal mudflats and estuaries. It …
Bar-tailed Godwit | Audubon Field Guide - National Audubon …
Widespread in summer across northern Europe and Asia, this godwit also crosses the Bering Strait to nest in western Alaska. Big, noisy, and cinnamon-colored, it is conspicuous on its …
Hudsonian Godwit Identification - All About Birds
<p>Hudsonian Godwits are graceful shorebirds with long, slightly upturned bills, long legs, and a glorious breeding plumage of gold, brown, and brick red. They wade through arctic bogs and …
Godwit | Migratory, Shorebird, Wading | Britannica
Godwit, any of four species of large, long-billed shorebirds of the genus Limosa, family Scolopacidae, named for its whistling call. Godwits are generally reddish brown in summer …
Marbled Godwit Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of …
Shorebirds have some of the most interesting bill shapes and the Marbled Godwit is no exception with its swordlike bill. It plunges its two-toned, long, and slightly upturned bill deep into sand …
Marbled godwit - Wikipedia
The marbled godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large migratory shorebird in the family Scolopacidae. On average, it is the largest of the four species of godwit.
Black Tailed Godwit Facts | Limosa Limosa - The RSPB Wildlife …
Black-tailed godwits are large wading birds. In summer, they have bright orangey-brown chests and bellies, but in winter they’re more greyish-brown. Read more.
Hudsonian Godwit - American Bird Conservancy
The handsome “Hudwit” — the smallest of the world's four godwit species — is an uncommon sight, spending most of its life at the extreme ends of the Americas. Its English name is a …